
Chapter 276

The next morning, he sat at the main seat of the large table in the room which served as a meeting room for the Small Council.

The small council members tried not to gape at the changes in him.

This was the first time he was showing his Valyrian features to his subordinates.

Ygritte, his aunt, Baka and Varko already knew and didn't react at all but the other council members didn't know what to make of the changes.

A strange silence had permeated the table as no one knew what to say or where to start.

"I like the new look boss." Lyra said with a sultry look, breaking the silence and opening a dam of questions all of a sudden.

He calmed them down and allowed them to question him one by one.

"Are you our lord or some impostor." The Head of the Education department asked.

"No. I'm a spirit who has taken over your lords body. Now you shall serve me for all eternity. HahahaHAHAHA… ouch…"

Ygritte pinched him from his right and gave him a chastising look.

���Be serious Domeric." His aunt said from the left and he sighed.

The women never let him have any fun.

"Yeah. I'm still me and not a bad Valyrian imposter." He said "I suppose you want proof."

The man nodded and he smirked.

"A few weeks ago your wife told you that if you continued to visit the brothels in Winterhold then she'll cut off your ball and put a needle inside your dick." The men the room winced and he continued "A week or so ago, you skimmed about 100 gold coins from the funding for the military school to continue your visits to the expensive brothels and are now afraid that I'll punish you for it. Don't do it next time." The man nodded and he continued "Your daughter is having an affair with a free folk boy whom you don't like. You're afraid that the boy will steal her away one night and rape her into submission. Your daughter seems rather fascinated by this custom which only adds to your worries. You're also worried that your wife is having an…"

"I believe you." The man cried out "I believe you."

"See." He said to his aunt "he believes me."

He aunt face palmed herself an let out a long suffering sigh and he turned to the man once again "She's not having an affair by the way. Though if you don't stop your regular visits to the brothel then she might start one. Just… give her some of your as well."

The man nodded and sat back down on his chair.

"Anyone else?" he asked.

"My lord." Celly said "How did this…" she pointed at his face "…happen?"

"A Valyrian magical ritual." He replied.

The questions continued to come for a while before he satisfied all of their curiosity and they could finally move on to the real matter.

"Muron left for Slavers Bay half a month ago. It'll take him 2-3 months to reach Astapor an a little longer than that to return." Tyrion said "That is… if he doesn't meet my beloved Uncle on his way back."

"He won't." He replied "Your uncle has yet to let Lannisport. It might take him a week or two to finish all the necessary preparations to depart. They'll take 3-4 months to reach Tyrosh. 1 or 2 more months to convince the various magisters in Tyrosh and Myr to form the alliance. Then 1 or 2 more months to gather the wealth and buy the services to trustworthy sellswords and sellsails. By this point, Muron will cross the Narrow Sea an go straight to Dorne from where it'll come up North along the Eastern Shore of Westeros without ever running across our enemies. All in all, he'll be back 1-2 months before our enemies come to our doorsteps."

"The preparation of the expedition North of the Wall is ready as well." Walton informed him.

He saw his aunt's fists clench at that news from his peripheral vision but pretended not to notice. She never liked it when he put his life in danger. "We'll not be going from the land route this time." He said "Instead, we'll depart from Bolton Port with a small fleet of the trade ships that generally goes up North to gather fresh snow that needs to be sold down South. I don't want any unnecessary burden this time."

"I'll prepare the ships by the time your men reach Bolton Port." Tyrion said and he nodded.

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