
Chapter 246

If Ser Jamie did not looked so dazed and weak right now, she would have wondered if Lord Bolton's punches would even doing anything against an armored opponent.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" the queen shouted from her seat "Someone stop that madman. He's killing him."

A moment after she said that, Lord Bolton stopped punching Ser Jamie who wobbled dangerously on his feet before he tilted to the side and fell down on the ground like a sack of potatoes. Unconscious.

Maester Lewin and a few Red Cloaks immediately ran to help Ser Jamie.

The people burst into cheers at that point as Lord Bolton won the first match.

She on the other hand wondered if Ser Jamie was even capable of fighting the next round let alone three whole rounds.

"Did you count how many times Lord Bolton punched the Kingslayer?" she heard someone speak behind her.

"Must have been a hundred times easily." Someone else said.

"The Kingslayer didn't even stood a chance."

"What a total beatdown.��

"…a little disappointed. I was hoping for a better match."

"…see the dents on his armor. They were…"

"…even be able to fight anym…"

"…put a bet on…"

"…couldn't see the…"

"…Sansa… Sansa… SANSA…"

She jerked as Robb shouted in her ear.


"You were looking a little lost. Are you alright?" he asked, a little loudly to be heard among all the cheering.

"Umm… yeah." Just thinking about how she would never get to be with her beloved anymore but will be forced to be a broodmare for the Prince.

There was once a time in her life when being the Queen and siring the Prince and Princess for the King would have been her greatest desire. But now… after going to Dreadfort and seeing the life that the people there lived…

She doubted that she would be satisfied with a life in Kings Landing.

"You're crying Sansa." Her brother said with a worried look in his eyes,

She touched her cheeks and realized that there were indeed tears in her eyes.

"I'm alright." She said. Wondering who it was that she was really lying to him. Robb or herself.

Robb continued to look at her in worry for a long moment before he spoke "You need a hug."

She thought about accepting Robb's offer but then she remembered how she had betrayed Lord Bolton.

No, she didn't want any comfort. She didn't deserve it.

She shook her head and wiped the tears with a hankerchief.

"I'll be alright." She said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.

Robb gave her a worried look but nodded. He went back to his seat but she had a feeling that he would keep an eye on her for the rest of the duel.

If it even continued.

She looked at the arena where the Red Cloaks and Maester Lewin managed to remove the helmet from Ser Jamie's head which was filled with cuts and covered with blood.

Maester Lewin threw some water on Ser Jamie's face while the other Red Cloaks started to remove the dented chest plate from him.

On the other side of the arena, Lord Bolton was sitting back in his chair and that harlot was once again hanging on him like a overgrown banshee.

She chest hurt when Domeric smiled at that woman. A warm smile that she herself never received.

By no,w the queen was shouting at the men to arrest Lord Bolton. The King was telling her to shut the hell up and the crowds were still cheering.

Why were they cheering?

She felt her chest grow heavy and it was becoming difficult to breathe.

She could feel the world closing around her.

She needed to get out of here.

She got up from her chair, her eyes once again blurry was tears and ran.

She heard Robb shout her name from behind her but she didn't care.

She didn't care about anything anymore except for reaching her room, lying down on her pillow and crying until all her tears and sorrows melted away.

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