
Chapter 197

Varko nodded and he ran in the direction he last saw the White Walker at, safe in the knowledge that Varko would follow him.

He knew by now that even if these creatures used their ice powers to their advantage, they were also prideful and patient enough that it would likely have not moved from it's place. Looking at the storm with an apathetic eye as if the battle had nothing to do with it.

The shrieks of the wights and the battle cries of his men were the only thing he was able to hear as he moved ahead aside from occasional wight that ran toward him. He couldn't see anything beyond 3 meters ahead of him due to the snowstorm that was gaining strength even now while the temperature fell further below 0.

He had no idea how a normal human beings were even going to fight a magical creature such a this who has so much magical power, such great control over the cold and an army of undeads.

All of a sudden he wondered if there was a reason why he came to this world.

That his coming here was not the accident that he had been thinking all these years but that he had been pulled here to fight these beings.

Because as it was, he doubted that even the army of the whole 7 kingdoms would do much against these White Walkers during Winter.

He wondered if he was brought here to play the role of a savior once again.

The thought curdled his stomach and his features contorted.

He didn't have the chance to think about this matter anymore as the visibility finally cleared a little bit and the first thing he saw was the Ice blade moving toward his stomach.

The White Walker stabbed him. His Valyrian Armor took the attack without a scratch but the force behind the strike still bent him in half and took the breath away from him.

He looked up to notice the White Walker looking at him with a cocked head. If it's frozen face could form any features then it would undoubtedly look confused.

Just like the first White Walker who had tried to stab him.

The White Walker didn't have to chance to observe him anymore as Varko came from behind him with a battle cry and then the two of them were clashing in a contest of skill while he fell on the ground and tried to get back his breath.

He got up in time to see the White Walker and Varko locked in a battle of strength.

He could already see this ending badly for Varko.

But before the White Walker could push Varko back and show the immense strength hidden in it's icy muscles, Varko sifted and then in a maneuver that could only be performed by an expert of blades, he tilted on his feet and swung around on his heels, making the White Walker fall forward without anything there to hold it's weight.

Varko completed the maneuver and stabbed at the White Walker at it's neck. Only to miss at the last second as the White Walker pushed itself forward and the Valyrian blade passed by it's neck by mere fraction of an inch.

The White Walker rolled around on the ground with a grace that belied it's size and strength. For a moment, standing with it's ice blade and it's magical armor, it almost looked beautiful.

Then it's eyes blazed blue and it's charged forward.

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