
Chapter 110

A few minutes after the left, a beautiful blond woman with half her face hidden under a hood sauntered up to him.

"My lord." She said with a bow, extenuating her assets to him while doing so.

He felt heat rush to his groins at the sight and wondered if he had been as much of a horn dog in his teenage years in his past life.

Oh… he been too busy surviving Voldemort in those years but he still remembered some dreams about Cho Chang or even Ginny, not that he would have ever admitted any such thing to Ron.

"Lyra." He said and his spy mistress rose from her bow and removed her hood, her blue eyes filled with mirth at the raging boner she had gotten out of him.

Her mirth died away quickly once she saw the seriousness in his eyes.

"The man in the blue garb who was following Brandon. What is his name?" he asked.

"Syrion Lotrak my lord… Is he…"

"Yes. It seems like he thought that embezzling gold from me would be wise."

"My lord. Every person under the position of authority embezzle some gold every now and then. Even I…" here her voice became a whisper as she came closer and trapped his hand between her heavenly bosoms "…embezzle some gold from you from time to time."

He rolled his eyes at her "Oh I know all that. And I don't mind as long as it is done in moderation. But what this man is doing is on the level of Petyr Baelish."

"Oh my… what would we do if such were to be case." The woman mock gasped while rubbing her assets around his arm, making him resort to using Occlumency to keep his thoughts in line.

"You know what you need to do." He told her calmly "Send a few spies after him. Catch him doing the deed. Expose him in front of everyone. Then send him to the T&I department."

"Hmph… You're no fun." She mock pouted at him before she caught the look in his eyes and became serious, taking a step away from him and bowing "As you wish my lord."

"Is there any other way… I can serve you my lord?" she asked softly after he gave her a nod. And he had no doubt as to what she was referring to when she asked to be 'serve' him.

"Not now Lyra. You're dismissed." He told her and she sighed.

"If you need me for anything my lord. Anything… then send for me." She said in a breathy whisper before leaving.

As soon as he did, he let out a sigh he didn't knew he had been holding.

He didn't know if sleeping with a subordinate would be wise. From what he had seen so far, she mostly wanted to sleep with him so that she could have more influence over him and gain more power that way. The fact that she did consider him quite handsome and that he treated her kindly and fairly also served to make him more attractive in her eyes.

But the main reason she and any other woman under him who was trying to seduce him was so that they could gain more power.

A sad thing but using mind magic showed you the real thoughts of a person. And the real thoughts of most people are not pretty.

He looked at the construction one more time before he turned to Varko who was having a quiet conversation with Walton.

"Let's go back to the castle." He told them and then immediately snapped in attention.

"Yes my lord." They replied in unison.

Well, at least some of his subordinates were not trying to seduce him.

He shivered at the mental thought of Walton and Varko trying to seduce him and immediately used Occlumency to purge the thought from his mind.

Yeah… never thinking about that ever again.

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