
Its her fault

*Third POV*

"Are you feeling better now, pumpkin?" Kevin asked taking the empty glass from her hand Zoe nodded her head. Wiping the dried tears from her cheeks as she sniffs at last. 

The eyes which have turned red along with her nose Kevin looks towards her with the worried look on his face. With the Kevin tugging the black hair behind her ears watching the cheeks has turned rosy red now.

"Princess Aurora did the huge mistake today without looking out directly blaming at you. I really have to get her to discuss this matter privately before it gets any worst" Clucking his hands into a tight fist remembering how she blames someone with no evidence and he knows Zoe could never do this to her little sister who she loves so dearly right from the moment she was born. 

What is the reason Princess Aurora took this step lying through her teeth right in front of him and that so-called fiance of her? Even tho they both hate each other guts still have to bear each other. Now it's more like they have to bear each other now forever. 

Kevin can't let that happen now not forever he really has to cut this engagement off. Even if the princess truly loves that Duke, he can't let the ex-kidnapper runs around Zoe anymore. Kevin know what kind of monster he is the one who gets what he wants and will do anything for that. 

It's still strange how can they both be engaged just after hearing the news of princess Aurora being alive hidden the whole time. Just to hear about princess Aurora being alive after almost a year after her disappearance in the battlefield. 

Deep down Duke Kevin knows something isn't right and doesn't add up at all the things that are happening around. 

Zoe can never lie or hurt anyone not even a fly, hurting her own little blood-related sister is far from anything. Princess Aurora can't lie too what would the reason she would lie about her own sister hurting her. Aurora is a Dame Commander of course not to forget about that.

When he was only the one to ask this question if princess Aurora suspects anyone? What kind of mind game is he playing now?

The one fought till the end in the battlefield against, with the same person she is engaged to now. The person she hated the most is the person she loves the most now.

"It hurts how can Auro just doesn't she loves me nor she trusts me anymore?" Zoe said looking down in between her hands breaking out Kevin out of the thoughts.

"Don't worry things will get better maybe you should clear out the misunderstanding?" Kevin said as Zoe nodded her head.

"Did I do something wrong to make her upset" Zoe murmured under her breath signing in response biting on her thumb looking down at her lap. A shadow falls up her making Zoe look up to see Kevin standing in front of her.

"I know she will understand it must have been a misunderstanding as you were in the same carriage along with her. We know her from the time we were kids, she isn't a hot-headed person." leaning down giving Zoe a peek on her forehead.

Giving her a sweet smile which always makes her heart skip a beat just by looking at it. Making her close her eyes shiver passes through her a soft smile spread across her lips. 

Zoe wraps her arms around him giving him a tight hug taking a deep breath rubbing her face into his stomach. Kevin chuckles in response running his fingers through her black long hair.

"Let's rest for now so many things has happened throughout the day," pulling away from Zoe as he patting on her cheek. 

"I can't I-I want to talk to her,"

"I Should talk to her now" Getting up from bed Zoe looks towards Kevin giving him a small smile.

"Won't it be better if you just talk to her tomorrow? Just both of you need some time to think isn't it?"

"I just-it feels like I should see her now," Zoe placed her hand over her chest "I will be back soon don't worry,"

"Ok, I won't my Pumpkin," Kevin said getting up from bed giving a light hug to Zoe, pulling away Zoe walks out of the door through the long hallway heading towards Aurora room.

I said to him I'm here to have a talk with my little sister what am I going with that mute. Maybe rather than that, I would prefer to go for a walk towards the lake. But still, I want to see her miserable face of her before I call it a night.

Looking up straight ahead of her with the smirk across her face. The act back in the office wasn't that bad. It has been such a long while for a drama that has happened. Now the things have to wrap up before it gets more messed up. 

I know my sister she will go out looking for the evidence I made sure there is none left for her. When will she decide to just give up and run away die somewhere alone?

If that doesn't happen she is the nex-no I can't let that happen. It's mine all mine nothing belongs to her. 

Finally, as she reached in front of the door as she knocked on the door, "Auro it's me" she called out at first, she didn't receive no response repeating her action once again still no response.

Should I open the door maybe she is asleep, but I know she is a lighter sleeper. If she didn't want to meet anyone, she would have informed one of her maids. I just came here for what?

Shaking her head Zoe puts her hand over the doorknob opening it looking through the gap between the just made her eyes go wide.

Watching her sister lying with her eyes close into the arms of her fiancé who is hugging her tight, rocking back and forth. What made her go confused all over were what Daisuke crying and the words coming out of his mouth.

~Middle of the battlefield watching the body lying on the ground in front of her feet. The dark brown eyes staring right into her own as the tears fall from its eyes.~

Blinking her eyes a few times as if a sudden wave of flashback played right in front of her eyes making her bite her lips in response.

"Zoe no please-wake up my love, please. I didn't mean to you know that I-I love you right- I love you so much so so much. I'm not obsessed with you-my love I truly love you. I know he forced you to go with him I know you still love me. I'm not obsessed with you I'm not please open your eyes please I'm begging you" Daisuke pauses pulling back as he brings Aurora to face closer to his own.

Zoe can feel herself shaking, watching what's happening in front of her. The blood in his hand as he hugs her tight. Blood dripping from his own chin as if he doesn't care about that.

Running his bloody finger as he careless Aurora cheek moving the hair out of her face. The finger tracing the lips letting more tears fall from his eyes. Zoe has never seemed to him crying it's like the first time but why is he calling her name?

"If it's not loving what I'm doing right now teach me how to love. Aurora so I could- I could love her-" Daisuke whispered. With that, her eyes meet Aurora the eyes which were barely open staring at her own. The single tear falls down from the corner of her eye.

'Bump' Zoe felt as if her heart just skip a beat just looking into her sisters' eyes. The vision in front of her got blurry in front of her. Lifting her hand as she touches her cheek just to feel it wet under the tip under her fingers.

Hearing the footsteps Zoe back off from the door as it shuts slowly in front of her face. But she felt like she saw her own sister eyes staring at her own. The drop of tear fell from her eyes was just shut behind the door.

Clucking her tight fist running towards the opposite direction from the sound of the footstep came from. With that, she hides behind the pillar hearing someone approaching the door.

"What the hell did you do?" hearing the familiar voice just made her eyes go wide. Turning her head around peeking through the pillar watching her husband walked with shocked which soon turned into anger.

'What is he doing here, no-no they might end up hurting each other'

Looking around as she bites her thumb, almost making it bleed. She can hear the shouting and breaking things. With that more footstep running making its way inside the room.

'What have I done? Why did I even? It's her fault it's her fault I have to make things better I have to before she runes it'

I'm sorry for the inconvenience I had to delete the chapter there were lots of details I had missed here. T_T so I'm re-uploading along with the other chapters. So enjoy reader-chan!!!!!!

Dream_landcreators' thoughts
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