
Two In One Go!

The battlefield was emptied, and with the Beedrill defeated—Gan went with his next course of plans. Gan ordered Machop and Geodude to tie up Beedrill, he was tied up to a thick log. The log was supported by thick wooden sticks that were implanted in the ground, with Beedrill placed in a roastery-like position.

Gan had already sold enough Beedrill at the Pewter City Branch, so it was best to just sell these at the Celedon Branch later.

Royce scratched his head in confusion, he wondered what Gan meant by trying to get answers. Was he going to question a Beedrill, could he understand Pokemon speech? Royce looked at Gan in shock, was he one of those special people who could understand Pokemon's language?

"Alright, Abra, you're going to be assisting me in understanding what this Beedrill is saying." Gan rubbed little Abra's head and said with a grin. This was his favorite Pokemon Evolutionary line, with it being Alakazam.

"Abraaa~!" Abra seemed happy to help, it levitated off the ground and floated next to Beedrill. Beedrill was currently knocked out, so it didn't budge or react to anything.

"Ah, so that's how it is." Royce knew about Psychic Pokemon's innate ability to communicate, via the mind. They could even link the mind of other Pokemon and the Trainer, allowing them to communicate in this way.

However, this wasn't what Gan going to do, he was going to have Abra synergize his communication brain lengths to understand the Pokemon language for a bit. This wouldn't last for long, but it should be long enough to get some answers.

Infernape and Camerupt stood beside Royce, waiting to see what would happen next. They saw how Beedrill was tied up and were curious, after all, this was how their food was cooked in some cases.

Abra raised its hand and touched the unconscious Beedrill on its forehead before floating to do the same to Gan.

"I'm guessing he's linking you, so you can understand the language of Beedrill?" Royce wasn't sure, so he asked to confirm.

"Yes. Once this Beedrill starts talking, I'll be able to understand what it is saying." Gan nodded and confirmed.

"I would also like to understand it, is there a way for me as well?" Royce wondered what this Beedrill would possibly say.

"Of course. Abra, modify his brain lengths." Abra hovered over and touched Royce's head before floating back over to Beedrill.

"Alright. I'm about to wake this guy up. Before that though, I'm going to need another guy here to assist us." Gan grabbed another Pokeball from his void space and summoned the following Pokemon.

"Horseeea!" Horsea appeared in Gan's arms, he was going to need Horsea for reasons.

Gan proceeded to revive Beedrill and after 2 minutes, it awakened.

"What is this? Why can't I move?!" Beedrill's tone was filled with anger. Gan was a little stunned, he really could understand it now!

"You're going to answer my questions and we won't let you go until you do." Gan smiled and said off to the side.

"Humans, you better let me go, or else!" Beedrill's words were full of threat.

"No. Growlithe, set the wood beneath him on fire, it looks like we'll be seeing roasted Beedrill soon," Gan spoke indifferently, he wasn't the least bit fazed by Beedrill's threats.

Growlithe showed no hesitation and lit to wood on fire.

"Ah, you traitors! You're slaves to humans, you've turned on your own kind!" Beedrill was furious.

"My first question, I want to know about this territory, tell more about it," Gan wanted to know more about this forest. Powerful trainers usually didn't bother to explore deeper into these forests, but of course, a few did.

"Fuck off, Human! You won't get anything from me, haha!" Beedrill's said with disdain and mockery.

"Unbelievable! A mere overgrown Bee can talk like this? Bug, you better start answering the questions, or else." Royce was stunned a first, but never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined that a Beedrill would be this arrogant.

"Human, you... ARG!!" The fire beneath Beedrill was growing stronger, clearly, it was starting to affect him more.

"Oh, that doesn't look good. You better start telling me everything or you'll be roasted in no time." Gan grinned as he watched the suffering of Beedrill, this Pokemon was too damn annoying.

"Okay, Okay! I-I rule this Zone, but the other Zones are ruled by other Lords!" Beedrill hurriedly said.

"This is Zone 2 according to us Humans, who are the other rulers, and what is their strength?" This was something Gan really wanted to know; the more information, the better.

"ARG!" Beedrill couldn't respond. The fire was really taking its toll on it now. Gan quickly had Horsea use its water to alleviate some of its pain.

Royce only glared at the Beedrill, not saying a word.

"T-There are other territories within the forest ahead, much deeper in. These territories are broken into three areas that are ruled by three lords." Beedrill explained in a forceful and stressful manner.

"Three lords? What Pokemon species are they?" Gan was curious to know, this was really important.

"T-The lord in the east is a Venomoth, the lord in the West is a Pinsir, and the lord in the North is a Scyther. They're all powerful, so you'd be wise to not provoke them, human; this is for your own good."

Beedrill surprisingly warned Gan, this could be to gain some points to ensure its survival. All the while, Gan sunk into deep thought. The lords were Venomoth, Scyther, and Pinsir of all bug-type Pokemon.

"We've already investigated, technically. The whole search crew was wiped out by a Beedrill swarm; that body is enough proof." Royce figured out what Gan wanted to do at this point. From what Royce had seen earlier, this guy liked to catch Pokemon of all sorts.

"Alright. I would like your help with this expedition. I want to head towards the North to fight and catch Scyther first." Gan made his decision. Scyther was too good of a Pokemon to pass up, it was a worthy Pokemon as it was, and after it evolved.

"Hahaha! Let's go then." Royce laughed and took out a pen and paper. He then proceeded to write something on it before he started taking photos of the dead body.

Gan didn't say anything, he instead had Horsea put out the fire searing at Beedrill's body.

"You can let me go now, right?" Beedrill asked hopefully.

"Let you go? You just killed a human and you want to be let off just like that?" Gan looked at Beedrill like it was an idiot.

"Abra, Shadow Ball this clown!" Gan sneered. Abra complied almost immediately before launching a Purple-Black ball at Beedrill. The Shadow Ball had black strands of lightning circulating around it; that would flicker every now and then.

Beedrill was already weakened, so all it took was one Shadow Ball to defeat it. Beedrill was furious, it felt like it had been duped in some way.


[Ding!... Abra has risen to level 12!]

[Ding!... Abra has risen to level 13!]

[Ding!... Abra has risen to level 14!]

[Ding!... Abra has risen to level 15!]

[Ding!... Abra has risen to level 16!]


Suddenly, strange energy surged around Abra's body—when it was engulfed in white light. That originally meditating-like pose was starting to stand straight up.

Royce looked over, he was stunned for a moment, but this was something he had seen many times before. However, he still couldn't keep his eyes off the whole evolution process.

Gan was just happier to see this result. The light exploded into sparkles, to reveal his newly evolved Pokemon.

"Kadabra!" Kadabra's spoon bent forward, giving off a small display of its new power. Gan scanned Kadabra's new status.


|Name: Kadabra♂

|Type: Psychic

|Level: 16

|Ability: Synchronize

|Potential: ★★★★

|Nature: Adamant

|Moves: Confusion| Teleport| [E]Psychic Terrain| [TM]Shadowball| [TM]DreamEater| [S]Gravity| [S]WonderRoom| [TM]Hidden Power(Ice)|


It had learned Confusion

"That never gets old," Royce mumbled to himself.

Infernape, on the other, was clapping and congratulating Abra. Camerupt didn't note anything or give the impression that it was impressed with Kadabra's ascension.

"Congratulations, Kadabra." Gan was the happiest, obviously. He patted Kadabra on the shoulder while commending him.

At that moment, Royce summoned another Pokemon from a Pokeball. Afterward, he passed the Pokemon a letter.

It was a Charizard!


|Name: Charizard♀

|Type: Fire/Flying

|Level: 53

|Ability: Blaze

|Potential: ★★★★

|Nature: Modest

|Moves: Flamethrower| [TM]Fire Blast| Dragon Rage| Flame Burst| Fire Fang| Slash| Ember| Air Slash| Smokescreen| Wing Attack| [TM]Solar Beam| [TM]Hyper Beam| [TM]Sunny Day| [TM]Dragon Claw|


"Go hand this letter to the men near the Viridian forest Outpost, they'll need to see it." Royce was going to use his Charizard to deliver this message, while he explored deeper. He told his Charizard that he would be going North of this forest.

Charizard nodded and took the letter before quickly flying off.

'This guy and his Mono-type team are gonna have trouble in the long run, why not mix it up?' Gan thought to himself.

"Well then, shall we continue our little journey up North?" Royce smirked. He was interested in exploring this forest a bit more.

"Yeah, just give me a second." Gan nodded and turned back towards the dead body on the road and sighed but he could look for long or he might end up vomiting again.

Gan summoned Machop. He could only have his Pokemon absorb exp once from Beedrill per Pokemon. Gan revived Beedrill and each of them beat it into fainting every time it woke up.

Machop leveled up to 26 and Geodude finally leveled up to 25 and started to Evolve! Gan laughed joyously, two Pokemon had evolved just like that.


|Name: Graveler♂

|Type: Rock + Ground

|Level: 25

|Ability: Rock Head

|Potential: ★★★★

|Nature: Adamant

|Moves: Rollout| [S]RockSlide| Defense Curl| Tackle| Rock Polish| SmackDown| Bulldoze| [TM]Sandstorm| Self-Destruct|


Even Graveler was jumping with joy about its evolution, it had come so far it believed.

"Well, dang, two in one day!" Royce was speechless. All of this from beating on a Beedrill, what was this all about?

"Haha, all in a day's work." Gan nonchalantly tossed a Pokeball at the Beedrill and caught it with ease. He would sell it to the Celedon Branch when he got there in the future.

"Now, we can head North." Gan stretched and said.

"Perfect. I have a quicker way to reach the northern hemisphere of this forest." Royce pulled out another Pokeball and summoned yet another Pokemon.

The Pokemon revealed itself to be a Rapidash! It gave a horse-like yelp before standing up halfway on its hind legs and coming down.

"Come back guys, for now," Royce recalled his Camerupt and Infernape before hopping onto Rapidash's back.

"This can work, but I know how Rapidash is about trusting people. If I were to get on its back, I could be burned to death by those flames." Gan knew this much, things would get worse if it decided that it didn't trust him.

"Rapidash, we'll be having another passenger. Don't hurt this fella with your fire, okay." Royce looked down at Rapidash and said.

Rapidash looked over at Gan, and into his eyes for some strange reason before giving a cry of approval.

"There we go, it has been settled. She's my strongest Pokemon, she'll make it work." Royce smiled and said.

"Alright!" Gan quickly recalled his Pokemon and got on behind Royce. Hearing that it was his strongest Pokemon, Gan scanned Rapidash and found that it was at level 58!

"Hold on!" Right as Royce said that, Rapidash sped off at unbelievable speeds.

"Ah!" Gan widened his eyes in shock.

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