
The tale of Khasa: Ceased their existence


Completion of the sealing meant that the downfall of Kai Kingdom was inevitable. Precisely, a cart cannot be pulled without a brawny horse.

When the sheltered wolves heard about the sealing of Kai's greatest defense they in broad daylight as well as in pitch darkness schemed to dissolve the entire kingdom. In such short-time the recently crowned emperor was unable to strengthen their arm-force.Thus it became a full moon period for those suppressed rebels. One after another the kingdom was attacked from all four sides. Their one kingdom, one people slogan finally shattered down into small pieces.

The triumphant rebel built their own nations and directed their forces to further expand their territories. Soon a war broke out which lasted till the fifteenth regime. The Kai kingdom was utterly wounded during the years long havoc. Only one third of the formerly prominent empire remained but still the foreign incursions weren't completely laid off. The situation for prevailing Kai became grave and desperate. Maybe after a year there will be no Kingdom as Kai. So to rescue the empire from its uncertain future the fifteenth emperor made a decision to unseal the Khasa tribe people.

The return of Khasa warriors petrified the troops from other countries. This time around due to their comprise Khasa people were put at a disadvantage. But in the battlefield who doesn't know about the terror of these berserk demons. Slowly the adversaries began to retreat. Although they could only defend Kai and couldn't seize the former glory but it was good enough for their defeated self.

The defiances were caught like fleas and confined in prisons. When the number exceeded thousand the prisoners were brought to a desert then executed altogether. The luminary sunk in the West. The horror filled cries were ear deafening but the manslaughter continued till the yellow sand was dyed bloodred all over.

With their return also returned the menace of first divine verdict. The royals waited for revenge from Khasa but it never came instead the tribe people stay behind at the borders safeguarding the country from foreign invasions.

Time flew like a gush of wind and soon it was eighteenth regime. This regime was somewhat unusual because the first born was rather a princess. Ministers debated whether or not to pass the throne in a woman's hand. Although there was less support from royal's side with the assistance of Khasa tribe the princess was crowned as next ruler. In this way the Kai country got its eighteenth emperor and it's people got their first Queen. In her regime Kai country flourished to a next pinnacle and the oppositions quieted down a lot.

The same event replicated in the twentieth regime. But unlike previous Queen, her regime gave birth to an interdiction. To say, the leaders of both Khasa and Royals exchanged their hearts and vowed to share a future together. When ministers felt the air about them it caused an uproar which shook the entire kingdom of Kai.

For the unsubdued Khasa tribe their heart was most defenseless. One who holds the rim of their heart can be their life-spell as well as their demise. To fall in love with a person apart from their tribe it was likely to self hand a poison that could erase their life. Their sole existence will be at mercy of other person. To sum up, it could only bring them harm.

On the Queen's side the situation wasn't good either. They said it wasn't their opposition rather they were being thoughtful for future generations. A child born from the leaders will likely inherit both divine verdicts and the child born from next emperor will do the same. This cycle will repeat itself and there will be no end to it. It will be alright if the emperor was a wise ruler but who knows what the character of the next carrier will be like. Therefore such thing must not happen.

The verdicts can be passed either willing or by force but the death of the carrier cannot be avoid. So for both leaders to discard the verdicts it was something impossible and none of the two will cause the death of other.

Under the consistent pressure from the Kingdom and it's people both lovers couldn't preserve and were separated. The Queen became depressed afterward and she put an end to her life taking away the second verdict along with her. Heartbroken from the death of his lover the leader of Khasa tribe followed onto her footsteps and also took away the first verdict. Henceforth, the two divine verdicts that had accompanied humankind for nearly two decades vanished forever.

After the grief period the royal chose their new leader but the Khasa people after the death of their tribe leader disappeared. Their whereabouts were unknown to all. Seasons changed and decades passed now it was forty eighth regime but still there was no news about Khasa tribe. Once mighty and undefeatable force became a tale that no one at present were aware about. It was as if this tribe people never existed at the first place.

The emperor is ranked 11th so the war was 4 yrs long( until 15th regime)

Finally, The end of 1st arc. Hmm..3 chaps.The 2nd arc will be official start of the novel.I will leave a short recap for next chap.

Readers do comment your views because without our readers thoughts no matter how proficient the author is it will all be vain at the end. Till then enjoy reading.ʕ•ٹ•ʔ

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