
Chapter 48: Basking in victory

Ark and Jenny took a slow stroll towards the Pokemon Center. Their mood was vibrant as the sweet sensation of victory comfortably wrapped around them.

"By the way, when do you have to be back?"

As much as Ark wished to stay with Jenny, he knew she was working on something right now. Therefore, he did not want to keep her held up for too long since if left alone the work would pile up and eat away at even more of their alone time.

Jenny seemed to be on the same page as she released a tired sigh and buried her head into Arks shoulder.

"Walk me to the station after you've dropped off your Pokemon, I still have stuff to do"

Jennys voice lacked any motivation as she spoke about work, as did Arks reply.

"Ok, that's fine. We still need to celebrate though so how about this weekend?"

Jenny immediately nodded her head with a happy smile.

"Sounds good. I will hold you to that, there will be hell to pay if you forget it"

A shiver ran down Arks spine as he heard the end of Jennys statement. His basic survival instincts made activated his 'Sage Mind' causing the information of the event to be permanently saved in his long term memory.

"I promise, let's head to the Center still then. I am sure Sylph and Shellder are really wanting some rest and treatment right now"

The two carried on forward, hand in hand.

When they got to the Pokemon Center, they met Nurse Joy at the front desk who stared at the duo with a look of pure disbelief. As the Head Officer in Pewter City, Jenny and Nurse Joy were in constant contact and knew each other as though they were best friends. Therefore, Joy could not believe her eyes as she saw Jenny leaning into a mans shoulder so openly, not only that, it was the rookie trainer Ark.

"Hey, Nurse Joy! Good news!"

Startled by the sudden address, Joy reset her expression and displayed her usual friendly smile. While her curiosity was still eating at her, she knew that Jenny would probably explain after Ark had stated his news.

"Good news? What news do you have, Ark?"

Many guesses circulated around in Joys mind as she watched Arks vibrant expression and Jenny's loving smile. One in particular seemed to stick out to Joy the most, that being... A baby. The intimacy shown by the two meant their relationship had advanced, so it wouldn't be strange if they did come with news of a baby on the way.

"I'm sure you remember where I went earlier today. I had my first gym battle."

Joys eyes widened slightly as she recalled the early hours meeting she had with Ark as he left for his gym battle. Embarrassed by her presumptions, Joys cheeks reddened slightly as she noticed Jenny snickering out of the corner of her eye.

"You had your battle already?"

Ark nodded at the red-cheeked Joys question. He spotted the change in Nurse Joys behaviour however decided not to get involved after glancing at the mischievous smile on Jenny's face. Some things were safer staying out of.

"Yes, I can safely say that my Gym Challenge Journey has begun, with this."

He extended his hand out with a small badge in his palm. When Joy looked down at the outstretched hand, she gasped in shock. Although she saw how happy Ark was, she did not think he could beat Brock on his first attempt even with a type advantage.

"You really beat Brock?"

Disbelief staining her face, she turned to Jenny for confirmation to find the same mischievous smile but this time it had a deep pride within it.

"Yeah, he should probably be by with his Pokémon in a bit. For now, could you take mine?"

After handing over his Pokemon, Ark turned around to leave with Jenny in tow. Just as they were about to walk away, Nurse Joy called out to Jenny.

"Officer Jenny, I will call you later regarding an important matter"

Jenny nodded, her smile never leaving her face.

"Of course, it will be a detailed discussion"

Whilst the girls cryptic talk was oncoming, Ark looked up at the roof of the building, wishing they'd have this conversation elsewhere.

Jenny and Ark were walking towards the station, the time of day was slowly approaching dusk as people finished work.

"Do you really have to go back even though it's getting late?"

Despite knowing the answer, Ark couldn't help asking.

"I have a few things to finish before my shift is over. At least this way, I get quite a bit of time off on the weekends so I don't feel like complaining much:

Tightening his grip on her hand, Ark didn't reply. He knew that any more comments would be childish.

Standing outside the station, the couple held each other in silence, enjoying the warmth between them.

"I'll come pick you up on Saturday okay?"

Ark spoke as he nuzzled his face into her hair. Jenny pulled her head back before placing her lips on top of his in response.

Alone on the streets, Arks steps were light as he thought over the eventful day. Not only did he get to spend time with Jenny, he managed to beat Brock and see the fruits of his training. He walked the same path he had done many times today yet no matter how many times he did, he never got bored of the sights. Even back in Pallet, he enjoyed the sights every morning, the days seemed to always been bright even when it was raining and the atmosphere always seemed pleasant.

Eventually, Ark stepped into the Pokemon Center, heading straight towards the food court. His stomach grumbles as he saw a few people sat down eating, the luscious scent of freshly cooked food filling his nostrils. Following the enticing scent, Ark walked to the counter, his mind already deciding what sort of dish he would order today.

One of the many questions that Ark refused to find the answer to was actually how food was made and it's ingredients. It may seem like him lacking the guts to inquire, however he knew that if he heard an answer he did not like, he may have to stop eating all together or sign up for an only berry diet. Especially if Grass Pokemon were used in vegetarian dishes, it would likely scar him for life.

"I'd like the daily special please"

Ordering at the counter, Ark waited patiently for his food. As he was later than usual, there were quite a few empty tables.

"Coming right up Ark, go take a seat and Chansey will bring it out for you"

Nurse Joy spoke to Ark with a smile. Ever since witnessing Arks relationship with Jenny, she decided to treat the rookie trainer with a bit more favouritism. After all, the quicker he got stronger, the happier Jenny would be.

"Thanks Nurse Joy"

Ark located a table and sat down. Reaching into thin air, he pulled out one of the books that he picked up at the store. It's title read 'PokeTech Vol 1' and was a descriptive guide that featured all of the most commonly found technology that trainer will use. Whilst he had the basic understanding, Ark wanted to find out the inner workings of tools such as Pokeballs. The mystery behind it made him curious as to how it even worked, after all it was similar to his Pocket Storage yet it could store living beings and had it's own flow of time. His thoughts were inclined to finding out how it worked and hopefully using that information to create an efficient way of linking his Storage together with his bag or using it for something slightly more special.

Whilst Ark was deep into his reading, he failed to notice a certain individual was watching him.

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