
Chapter 31: Troubles of Youth

After a pleasant car journey, Ark dismounted from the Jeep, to be met with a wondrous sight. The sparkling blue lake was a miracle of nature, the water was so pure that the surroundings were reflected clearly like a mirror. Ark helped Sylph dismount and closed the door.

Jenny locked the car and stretched. The three of them had been stuck inside the Jeep for hours on this car journey. Their bodies felt stiff , so when the fresh air collided with their skin, it released all of their pent-up stress as their current worries were sent to the back of their minds.

"It's so beautiful"

Ark looked around at their surroundings admiring what he saw. It was an untouched terrain that was maintained by nature itself. There was no big city roads, no large buildings or factories. The only man-made building around was a log cabin. The Log cabin was similar to the one Ark and Ash stayed in when they were at camp, the only difference being, this one was slightly larger.

"Yeah it is. Fishermen use this spot every now and then, but other than that, it is left untouched for the majority of the time"

He nodded at this piece of information. Although it wasn't particularly useful, it was definitely worth listening too, especially since it could be a big help when he's out searching for Pokemon.

"By the way, what's with that lonely log cabin?"

Ark pointed towards the log cabin. He had a few assumptions that he was pretty sure of, however he would rather not jump to conclusions and look silly. Especially when the other party was a stunning mature woman.

"That's where we will be staying for the next few days. Usually Fishermen can rent it when they come for their trips, but with this mad Seaking about, we are able to rent it for as long as we need"

Jenny smiled as she explained their living arrangements for the next few days. In response to this, Ark smiled as his assumption was proven right. Luckily he was able to stop himself from yelling in joy. Never in his wildest dreams did Ark think that accepting to help out placate a bezerking Pokemon, would allow him to sleep under the same roof as a true beauty.

"So we will be staying there? How long do you think?"

He asked out of curiosity. As a growing young man, he was aware that the next few days will likely be torturous if he could not find a way to release his urges. There was always the option of seducing Jenny, however to do that, he will need to pull some serious moves and also be ready to bear that responsibility. Ark refused to be the type of guy who just uses someone and throws them away as soon as he's done. If he did successfully seduce Jenny, he will need to make sure to take responsibility for her when he is strong enough. That's all under the assumption she is somehow able to come to terms with the whole huge harem plan.

Ark sighed bitterly as he realised how hard his huge harem plan will be in the future. There is so much to think about, so much in fact that if he kept thinking about it, he was sure that he would quickly become a silver fox.

"Hmmm hopefully within the next few days. If not, then we may need to ask for backup"

Ark nodded as he was now given something close to a timeframe. Not only that, but the gravity of the situation was slowly dawning on him as he noticed Jenny talking about back-up. As a result, he decided that he will try get this over and done with, even if it cost him his precious time alone with Jenny.

"Ok that should be enough time for me to also find a water Pokemon, if that is ok with you? I will focus on our duty, but I want that to be my other goal right now"

Jenny put a hand under her chin as she thought over Arks words. She had already noticed that he had an ulterior motive, however now she was hearing it, she was contemplating how that may affect the mission. Of course, she would like to help Ark prepare for the Pewter City Gym, but she did not want to be sidetracked on a mission that could potentially be very dangerous.

"We can compromise Ark. We will stay here an extra day after the situation is put to rest, but that is only if we can take care of this without calling for backup"

Ark instantly jumped on this chance. Although he was not sure whether they could do it, he knew that Jenny would not be able to make a better compromise with her duty in the way.

With this agreement in place, Ark, Jenny and Sylph grabbed their stuff and left for the Log Cabin. It was well-maintained, with a cleanliness that could compare to that of some hotels. It was strange as apparently no-one lived here during most of the year.

"Why is this place so clean? I mean I'm not complaining but it is oddly clean"

He ran his finger along the door frame and saw no sign of dust or dirt.

"A caretaker comes every two weeks, she owns this place but rents it out to the fisherman since her late husband built this for his own fishing trips"

Nodding his head in understanding, he smiled as he now felt the rich history this ordinary log cabin actually had.

The two moved forward and Ark, who was holding his and Jennys bags, opened the door with the key. What greeted him was a medium sized room with an open plan. There was three smaller rooms extending off from the medium sized room. At the far end of the room, a kitchen area filled with all of the living necessities needed. A lounge room with sofas surrounding a log fire was covering the front portion of the medium sized room.

Ark carried the bags in and went to investigate. He beelined straight for one of the side rooms. As he suspected, it was a small bedroom with two beds and a single wardrobe in it. Moving on, he found a bathroom with a shower inside of it. Finally, the last room was a room that contained only a toilet and sink. He smiled wryly as he thought about the implications of what these living arrangements meant.

"Jenny! The bedroom is over here. There are two beds, so I will put your luggage on one of them"

Consequently, these next few days just got harder... In every sense of the word.

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