
Calling all Friends and Foes

I didn't have training today so It was my free day. I got ready for the day and headed down stairs to the kitchen where I saw Morgan and Chloe. Chloe was finishing up her school work and was getting ready to head off to school. Before she left she gave me a hug and giggled as she ran to catch the bus.

" Good morning Morgan" I said as I sat to join her for coffee.

"My flower, please call me Mom or Ma if that makes you more comfortable. I feel like you are one of my own and I have adopted you into this family. I know I can't replace your mother nor would I try but I think she would be happy to know you have found love again " She said giving me this warming hug.

Every time my body is next to her it warms and relaxes and I realize I do feel her mother's warmth being around her. " Mom works just fine." We sat and ate breakfast in comfortable silence after that.

I headed upstairs knowing that it was time to give Taly and my brother a call to let her know I'm alive. I'm hoping this goes ok.

I pick up my phone that I had shut off for months and finally turn it back on. I scroll and decide on calling my brother first since he would probably ask less questions.

The phone rings.


"Hey big brother how goes it?"

" Rose where are you? I can't believe you are alive! Once I heard you went rouge I instantly thought you weren't going to make it being how fragile you were."

" oh come on brother you know if I survived father I could survive as a rouge." It came out without thinking but I could get him hold his breathe Over the phone.

"Rose I'm sorry I let it go on for so long. I knew that wasn't the way I should've handled it and I'm sorry I thought it was better you than me. I know that make me a terrible person but I didn't want us both dying and well I'm sorry..."

"What's done is done you can't take it back I just thought I would call and tell you I wasn't dead" hearing him say those words finally admitting that he knew hurt. But knowing that he made the decision to sacrifice me for him felt like a knife was being carved in me all over again.

"Rose? Why did you leave? I mean I know dad was part of it but you had roughed it out for so long what happened?"

I took a deep breathe before saying it out loud since it was only the second time saying it since that night " Cole is my mate and he rejected me." I felt my wolf wimper as those word came out.

Max was quite for sometime before blindsiding me with the words I didn't see coming. " I know that can't be easy but you have to think logically Rose. You were never going to be strong enough to be Luna. Heck it's been so long since you shifted is your wolf fully developed?

I was pained in my heart but I'm glad his feelings were out in the open. I now knew I had no family left. " I gotta go Max, don't worry this is the last time I wi call you. Keep it to yourself about this ok? Take care." With that I hung up the phone.

Knowing that my phone with Taly would hopefully cheer me up I go and give her a call hoping she didn't hate me.

" Don't you know it's illegal to steal people's phone mister. I don't know who you are but I will find you and I will..."

"TALY!!! it's me I'm fine no one stole my phone."

"Wait they didn't?"

" No I'm sorry I didn't call you right when I left I just didn't know what to do. I knew I was going to be alone with my father and after Cole rejected me it was all too much. I hope you don't hate me."

"Wait back up the Wagon. Cole is your mate? As In Alpha Cole? As in can't live if hes not Fucking Veronica every 30 mins Cole?" I didn't let her know that I knew exactly how much he was fucking Veronica I could feel it every time. Only upside is it felt no worse than my fathers abuse so I quickly became adapt to it, But I always knew. Morgan had given me pain pills to deal with the pain so I almost don't notice it.

"Oh goooood you so you remember him." I said sarcastically trying to cover up the pain in my heart knowing he was still with Veronica.

" I'm so sorry love I thought the Moon goddess would give you a man like Superman after all you have been through. He's making Veronica his Luna in 7 months which is a total drag since she is a bitch and is always shopping. I don't know why she wants to be Luna anyways she hates almost all of us and when the kids go to her she practically slaps them when Coles not around."

" It's fine Taly it's better to know now then to embarrass myself further."

Taly and I spent hours catching up. I almost hadn't realized the sun was going down. I said my goodbyes to her but not before promising to check in more often.

After talking to her I wasn't even hungry I just wanted to rest. So without showering or eating I just went to sleep and hoped I would dream about Cole.


Zeke and I finished training and had met Grant at the training ground to grab some food. After training my legs were like jello so Zeke carried me on his back. When we finally arrived Grant was already leaning against the wall waiting for us.

"My love and sun the only back you should be on is mine" Grant tried pretending to snatch me which led to Zeke spinning around and accidentally dropping me on the ground.

" Sorry rose I didn't mean to let go." He reaches out a hand to which I gave him a smile and took it. We walked to a little dive and all ordered burgers.

"Grant you should have seen it Rose is practically better than all our other warriors. Once we Honed in her skills of speed she is practically unstoppable" Zeke was beaming with pride tell Grant about how far I have come.

"Do you think she's ready for the Wolf cup?" Grant said taking another bite of his burger.

"What's a wolf cup?" I looked at both of them confused.

" it's like a game. Kind of gladiator style if you will. The Alphas get together and bring their betas along with their two best warriors to show the packs strength. It only happens every 8 years since most of the time the fights are to the death. This year it will be at your old pack arena."Zeke looked away saying that last part.

Grant chimned in "If your not ready that it totally fine but I might add that I am already submitted so you would be my partner and I will say I would feel a hell of a lot my more safe if you were by my side rather than Runt. Plus if I die than it would be with the Love my life by my side."

I giggled knowing he was kidding about that last part. A part of me was terrified because I know what could happen to me but another part knew that I was training for this moment. I knew that meant I would see my brother and Ex-Mate again. This was the time to show them that I wasn't a fragile Wolf anymore.

"I'm in. Plus if I Die than that means Zeke did a terrible job but I I want to step up my training." He knew I was teasing him but all he said was.

"I'll throw you all I Got. We only have 6 months so let's get started." With that he finished eating and kissed my cheek make grant pout a little and we headed back to the training grounds to step it up another level.

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