
Training begin

Reizo grabbed two fleeing grus rats that were in the grass patch and threw them at Saliza and Serith. They knew what was coming and cut down the rats before it reached them.

"There are two things to keep in mind here. Never let your guard down for even a second or monsters will target you."

Reizo then pointed at the grass patch and said "And when you kill a grus rat, always make sure find and kill any other grus rats that came along with it or else they will regroup with their pack to remove you as a threat."

That explains why a whole pack of rats came after us after Saliza killed one of them.

"Zeigel, use your bracelet to select the scan icon and point the screen at the rat you just killed."

I pulled the rat off my dagger and did as Reizo said. The screen started scanning the rat's body and a faint blue light enveloped it before going to my bracelet. The screen then showed *Scan completed, E rank monster added*

A new icon called 'summon' appeared and Reizo asked me to select it. The screen showed 3 large slots, one of the slots had a picture of a grus rat in it. Since it was called summon, I tried to see if I could summon the rat.

Light shot out of my bracelet and created a faint blue grus rat. Saliza and Serith were amazed at what I did. I checked the summon screen and there was a bar slowly decreasing in length below the slot where the grus rat was.

The ghost girl suddenly from the test suddenly appeared in front of me, scaring me and causing me to almost fall backwards.

"Scanning the corpse of a monster you killed will allow you to copy it into your bracelet and summon it." The ghost girl said.

"You are also in control of the summoned monster's movements so you can make them do whatever you want." Reizo said as he made the ghost girl disappear.

I made the rat move around to see if I could really control it. When I bent down to pick it up, a grus rat jumped out a grass patch and bit my arm. My armor gave me some protection, but it wasn't enough as the teeth of the rat managed to pierce through my armor and into my skin.

Saliza ran over to me while I stabbed the rat to death. After that, I remembered what Reizo said and pointed at the grass patch that the rat came from.

Saliza nodded and started swinging her axe at the grass patch, hitting two out of the three rats that were hiding in it while the last one escaped. Saliza started chasing after the rat, but the rat was faster.

We couldn't let it escape or else it will regroup and attack us with its pack, so I had an idea. I took the rat that I summoned and threw it at the escaping rat.

Once my rat got near, I made it bite the other rat and pin it to the ground while it slowly died while struggling to break free.

"That was close, great work Zeigel." said Saliza. The bar below the slot eventually disappeared along with my rat, and the summoning went into cool down for a minute.

My armor won't be able to completely stop the attacks from grus rats, so I knew I had to be alert at all times or my armor is going to be torn to pieces at the end of the day.

"For the next few hours, the three of you will be fending off these rats. Have fun." Reizo then walked off and disappeared, leaving the three of us to fend for ourselves.

We had to watch each other's backs and keep an eye on the patches of grass for any rats. It was exhausting, rats kept appearing out of nowhere and we had to keep chasing after the ones who escaped.

I wanted to run away and get out of this place, but the thought of a pissed off Reizo coming after me was enough to send a chill down my spine.

A few hours later, Reizo came back and told us to head back to the headquarters and take a break. We were drenched in sweat. Our armor had holes and scratch marks all over it, and our weapons were stained in blood.

I was now level 10, Saliza was level 12 and Serith was level 11.

We slowly made our way back while Reizo defended us from incoming grus rats.

When we reached the headquarters, Reizo gave us a one hour break to eat our lunch and rest up before continuing training.

At the cafeteria, the lunch lady gave us extra rice after seeing us completely exhausted.

"Bear with it for the time being, I know it's tiring but when you're done, it'll all pay off." The lunch lady said while laughing.

We gobbled down our lunch before going back to our rooms to shower and rest. While resting, we checked our stats and spent all of our stat points. I decided to balance my stats and put an equal amount of points for each of them. Saliza spent it all on attack while Serith also balanced his stats.

After our break, Reizo brought us back to Feilo Forest to continue our training.

We kept fending off the rats, but one of them managed to scratch Serith's leg while he wasn't looking. Its claws managed to tear through his armor, but unlike last time it only left a small cut on Serith's leg. The stats were really making us stronger.

Saliza was now able to cut through the rats with more ease and now I could run as fast as Saliza, until she started increasing her speed stat.

Despite our improvements, we were still exhausted after training. Once Reizo came back after a few hours, he told us that our training has ended for the day and to go to the training room tomorrow at 6 am.

Serith said that he was going back home to sleep for the night and bring his things to the headquarters tomorrow. Me and Saliza went back to our rooms to take a shower and sleep.

For hours I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about how unfair this was to me. Everything I had, everything I worked hard for was now gone. The training that I had to endure made even the harshest exercise I did back on earth seem merciful.

Why is it me who has to go through all of this? I never wanted to become a stupid ventgard and deal with all of this! My life on earth was going great so why did it have to be replaced with this torture!

Saliza, who was sleeping above me, came down from her bed to see if I was still awake.

"Hey Zeigel, since you're still awake, can I ask you something?" Saliza jumped down and sat on Serith's bed. "I always thought that earth was some sort of evil world filled with heinous villains, but since you've told me that earth was not evil, could you tell me what earth is actually like?"

I calmed myself down and explained to her about the people of earth and that while some people did some things that could consider then evil, most of us are good.

We chatted about our worlds for awhile. She would tell me about the world of Errale like how there are only 10 countries in the world while I told her about the amount of countries on earth. We joked and laughed about some of the things that we told each other like how some people on earth would treat a lifestyle like a cult or get offended by everything.

"Oh, it's getting late. We should get some sleep for tomorrow's training." Saliza said before climbing back onto her bed.

There isn't anything I could do about my situation, but I'm glad that I found someone I could open up to.

The next day we went to get breakfast after we woke up. Serith was walking into the headquarters with a bag containing his belongings. He told us that he already had breakfast and was going to put his stuff in our room.

We went to the training room at 6 am, but Reizo was nowhere to be found. The door to the training room was locked so we had to wait outside of the training room until he came.

30 minutes have passed, and eventually Reizo came. He was drunk and had a bottle of alcohol in his hand.

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