
Stepping Into Realm Of Profound God!

When Raynor woke up next morning, the first thing he thought was... wild, never expected to see her become something like a cougar on dragon steroids.

That's why he wants to know how much his looks have changed to have much effect on her, he slowly extracted himself from Qingyue very hard grip, then he slowly made his way to the bathroom, his new body felt incredible, it's like everything was 'Perfect', coordinated, like he was a natural-born martial artist...

Once in Bathroom his eyes went to mirror which was full body size one, he had amused smile on his face thinking how this society is so weird, they have pure glass mirrors, yet none of these pavilions have windows made of glass...

Standing in front of the mirror, First thing Raynor saw was an an an extremely handsome man with short hair which reminds him of himself actually...

'Is that... me?...'

That moment he lost himself in his own... beauty...

It took him only a few moments to realise something, as very cold feeling went through his back, which caused him to snap out.

'Did I almost fall in love with myself!?!' he shuttered at that feeling! quickly walked away from it, and moved towards the bath.

'I need a very cold one for this! '

~~~~~~After Very Long And Cold Bath~~~~~~

Raynor was back in the bedroom, when he finished with his bath he inspected his new body with his inner scan, what shocked him to the very core was his profound veins, which changed when his body went thought metamorphosis, they changed into crimson with golden borders, what was most confusing is his primordial energy which is incredibly compressed, it's like a piece of hair inside of pipe, yet he can still feel that his cultivation is that of [Eight of Emperor Profound].

This scared and confused him, thinking for a second what could happened to cause this, why Primordial energy compress itself like that, remembering how it was easy to progress in cultivation.... then it hit him like a thunderbolt in a clear day.

'Of course! it's my body! is that of a ' Yang Primordial God' and since I have the body and my energy is the right type, only thing is missing is the amount of energy in my system... And If I am going to use it now...'

Thinking what can happen if he is going to use any of energy, he can break thought into the divine... he needs to prepare if not, his power could effect space itself if he is not careful

Walking toward bed he saw his sleeping beauty, she was even drooling.

'Well, she is having a great dream.... '

Dressing up and then sitting down on edge of bed, Raynor stroked her hair, a few seconds later Qingyue slowly opened her eyes, seeing dressed up Raynor, she quickly got over her sleepiness.

"We have a problem" Seeing Raynor serious, she got serious as well.

"What happened?" He sighed at her question

"Remember when I said that Primordial energy will push us until we are 'comfortable' host for its energy right?" She nodded, of course, its the reason why they advancing so fast "Yes of course I remembered..."

"Well then... what do you think is my body now?" her eyes widened she realized that his body literally was refined by Yang laws and Primordial energy...

"What realm are you now?!" she quickly sensed him, feeling that he is still [Eight of Emperor Profound], she sighed in relief, accidental Breakthrough would probably rip spaced apart in the world like this...

"I am Still [Eight of Emperor Profound], I haven't used Primordial energy yet, that's why I said we have a problem, I need to prepare formation for breakthrough, and as far away from the city as possible."

"And how will you do that? " He smirked at her question, and softly squeezed her nose with his fingers " Well you of course..." she quickly removed his hand from her nose and panicked hearing his answer.

"But! I have no clue how to do those !" he waved her concerns off.

"Don't worry I will guide you all the way, I only need your energy " she understood and slowly started to get up, he could see she was in no shape to walk... Last night was wild, and they did it almost all the way into morning...

Raynor quickly helped her dress up, instead of walking she simply floated, as they walked outside the formation was full of energy again, this time Raynor decided to convert one of crystal into the primordial crystal.

Pulling out fist-size divine crystal he showed to Qingyue " all right!, follow me, let me show how we going to do this..." she nodded and followed him to the formation in the middle of Pavilion, then he dropped crystal into the middle of it

Once there, Raynor made Qingyue stand in front of him while he stands behind her he took her right hand with his own and guided her how to write in Primordial energy.

"Think of nothing when you write, as rune respond to one's will, in this situation, it will respond to what I want instead of your will, ok? " She nodded and they both written few more runes which started to convert Divine Crystal into Primordial one.

Progress was fast and less then 5 minutes later formation was empty and 70% of crystal was changed...

*Tsk* "It seems it's still not enough... Even with 4 corner formation combined with 14 amplifiers... "He took a deep breath and took it back into his inventory.

"Well we can go now... Take me to the north of the city there are few high mountains there" She nodded and grabbed his hand, both of them quickly flew outside the city, less then in one minute they were high in air observing mountains.

"Which one is best for you?" She asked him gently, while Raynor looked around and found one with semi-flat area "That one over there... " he pointed at the mountain and Qingyue flew him over there, once they landed he guided her how to build several concealing and barrier formation, once done he sit down in lotus position and started to revolve his primordial energy, as he allowed energy to flow in his new body for few minutes nothing happened which depressed and relieved Raynor at the same time...

Until Primordial energy rune in his Dantian reacted, it started to glow brightly and started to release a massive amount of energy.

Raynor eyes widened as the amount it releases was massive.

'Where does this energy is coming from!? nothing changed unless...' only thing changed from yesterday was his body... then it came to him, his body used to be that of human mortal, but now...

It's like putting NASA tech into his old PC, it could run it, but only small piece of its full capacity, but now he has body capable of using all of its might, thus this amount of energy.

Raynor relaxed and started to guide his energy and Breakthroughs, going from...

[Fifth of Tyrant Profound]

[Nine of Tyrant Profound]

[Third of Sovereign Profound]

[Seven of Sovereign Profound]

[Tenth of Sovereign Profound]

From here Raynor felt like Something Crack inside of him his senses went a transformation he could feel things into much, MUCH large distance, the whole continent was at his fingertips, he felt the still alive Phoenix Spirit in Divine Phoenix empire as well as Azure Dragon God Spirit in Wastelands of Death, other Sovereigns from Sacred grounds, it's funny how weak and puny they are now... the Gap between Mortal realm and Divine is a massive, no wonder no one in this world reaches it, it's basically Impossible without proper legacy...

When Raynor opened his eyes Qingyue was staring at him with wide-open eyes, he appeared in front of her, he noticed that she was In [Sixth of Tyrant Profound] now, he whistled at this, his Yang Body gave her massive boost just from one good night...

"Well, what do you think?" He brought her out from her reverie.

"I can't even sense you! It's like it was with my mother... I couldn't even comprehend the power she emitted before she left us now its same with you I can't comprehend it... " Raynor chuckled at her, then he swept her over and picked her up on his lap in air.

"Breath Yue'er, just breathe " She took a deep breath and started to relax.

"Can you help me with that body cultivation method?" He nodded but then he seriously looked at her.

"I will, but first we should relax from Cultivation today, why don't we explore Blue Wind Today?" Her eyes lit up hearing what he said. "Let's go then! I never was outside Floating Cloud City! Apart from that time when I was accepted as a disciple for Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace!".

He nodded at her, Then with though they appeared much higher in air, he encased Qingyue and Himself with Primordial Energy, and lifted his hand above him.

'Time to seal of this world from outside influence...'

Letters powered by Primordial energy started to float from my hand, one by one then started to fly away from him.

As they flew, they grew in size and power...

Their job? slowly creating a Ring Around Blue Pole Star, turning it into a hidden world known only to few...

Once the letters circle the globe, creating a ring, the Planet size formation will activate, and turn invisible to Divine Realm Cultivator senses.

It will take around a day or so for them to encase the Blue Pole Star.

So Raynor decided to not to 'strain' himself for that amount of time...

"So... let's check out capital first?" Raynor asked his Raven head girl.

Qingyue thought for a moment, but then she shook her head.

"Maybe we should visit Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace and let them know that I am leaving their Sect..." Raynor nodded slowly, he can see her point, but what kind of reaction are they going to have seen him?

He stole their number one disciple, and they already broke several rules, like relationship one...

"Right Yue'er hold tight... Let see Dragon leaping in action!" To Raynor words, Qingyue nodded quickly she is excited to see it as well!

Raynor quickly scanned Blue wind empire's area with his new senses he deducted that this nation is quite small...

Now that he has this new perspective, he can understand cultivators a little bit better.

He easily founded source of Icy Profound users in North of Blue Wind.

Quite far from any proper city, at least in Mortal Cultivator standards...

Raynor focused on their location, setting up point A to point B, and then just...fold the space between the distances...

Qingyue eyes widened as the landscape in front of her just... changed...

From mountainous area they were, it changed to snowfields of Snow Region of Extreme Ice!

Raynor then took a step... making a leap of Thousand of miles with a single small step.

While Raynor knows it's nothing special... yet, as he remembers Jasmine taking three steps to cross almost the whole planet.

This technique 'true' power shines when he is in realms of True Gods, where he can leap through Primal Chaos like it's own little garden...

From moving Star Realms to stars themselves...

The only downside is that It's limited to user range of senses...

Once Raynor took that small step, he felt changes in temperature, it was much colder then Floating Cloud City.

"That... was amazing..." Qingyue said to Raynor still trying to process what just happened.

"Wait until we at higher realms Yue'er, imagine faces of our enemies when we move the whole world with us..." Raynor smirked saying that...

Qingyue could only shake her head, but her stomach was flipping in giddiness, she want to do that in front of that Moon Realm King!

Returning back to where they are, Raynor looked down at the Frozen Cloud Immortal Palace, it took his breath away, as it was most beautiful Ice sculptured thing he has ever seen!

Every single thing in this place was done from Ice, With his Divine senses as well as perception he scanned the whole thing... every.single.thing is done with Ice!

It's incredible and yet same time... not cool...

Raynor doesn't want to live here, not at all, maybe visit like some theme park or something, but not live here...

"Well then let's announce our arrival..."Raynor said with a smirk, he wants to hold the upper hand in this conversation.

After all this is a Sect of men-haters...

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