
chapter 8

The story starts with Mariah and I under a christmas tree in front of their family singing.

Mariah has a green dress with a hat on, and I'm wearing a red dress with a hat, and we are both holding microphones.

"Oh, the weather outside is frightful", sung Mariah, while pointing at the snow out the window.


"But the fire is so delightful", I sang, as I pointed to a paper mache fireplace that's behind the tree.

"And since we've no place to go", we sang with a smile. "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow".

"It doesn't show signs of stopping", sung Mariah, as cotton balls fall over her.

"And I brought some corn for popping", I sang, while holding a pot.

"The lights are turned way down low", sung Mariah, as the light dim down.

"Let it snow, let it snow", I sang, as I gather the cotton balls like magic.

"When we finally say kiss good night", we sang, as we kiss each other.

"How I'll hate going out in the storm", I sang, buried in the cotton balls.

"But if you really hold me tight", sang Mariah, with my arms around her. "All the way home I'll be warm".

"The fire is slowly dying", I sang, as the paper mache fire folds slowly. 

"And, my dear, we're still good-bye-ing", sang Mariah, as we waving at each other.

"But as long as you love me so", I sang, as we dance.

"Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow", we sang.

After the song, we smiled at each other, then kiss one more time.

"Okay, that's enough", said Katrice, breaking up Mariah and I.

"Wait to ruin the Christmas spirit", I said.

"One kiss good night is fine", said Katrice.

"Now, Katrice, it's normal for lovers to be affectionate on Christmas", said Mariah's mom.

"Mom!" Mariah blushed from embarrassment.

"Sorry, sweetie, couldn't help it, you two just look so cute", said Mariah's mom.

"That's great, but we have a place we have to go ", said Katrice.

"Where?" asked Mariah's mom and my grandmother. 

"You'll see", I wicked, then grabbed a box-shaped present.

Mariah turns on the TV.

Mariah, Katrice, and I lift our wrist watches that glow along with their presents, and they are taken into the TV World.

Both families are shocked by this and watch the Tv.

In the TV world, Katrice, Mariah, and I change into our boy selves.

Katrice land by a house, where Asama lives.

Mariah and I end up in Misaki and Usagi 's home holding their presents.

The door opens showing Aikawa wearing a green Christmas dress.

Aikawa see me and Mariah.

"Oh. Hello", said Aikawa.

"Aikawa, I have always wanted to meet you ", I said, hugging Aikawa.

"Great, do I know you?" asked Aikawa, confused. 

"Angel-kun and Ma-kun, great to see you too", said Misaki with a Christmas sweater, and blue jeans.

Aikawa's eyes glow and says "I can't believe it, I've wanted to meet you two and interview you".

I let go of Aikwaka, then we went into the house.

"We have presents, but before that our tradition", I said.

Misaki and Usagi get into position.

I hugged Misaki and spins him.

Mariah gets on Usagi's back and kisses him on his forehead. 

"So, what kind of present did you bring?" asked Misaki.

"Oh! Right, Angel-kun if you please", said Mariah.

I opened my box and Mariah opens her present.

We show two bracelets that have turtle doves that are attached to it.

"Turtle doves?" asked Usagi.

"These symbolize your love for each other similar to your wedding rings, but more interesting", said Mariah.

"So, you like it?" I asked.

"Yes", said Misaki and Usagi.

"Can I borrow Angel-kun for a moment?" asked Aikawa, looking at Mariah.

"Okay", said Mariah.

Aikawa pulls me outside and takes me to a Coffee shop.

The story goes to Katrice talking to Asama with Katrice's present on the bed.

Katrice and Asama are laughing, while drinking hot chocolate.

"So, what's your other world like?" asked Asama.

"It's not different from here except my family, our powers, and the weather", Katrice explained.

"So, do you ever meet any other guys like me?" asked Asama, then takes another sip of hot chocolate.

"Not really, I'm more into studying instead of hanging out", Katrice admitted.

"I didn't think you were that kind of person", Asama admitted.

"True, I guess I act differently around people I like", said Katrice, blushing.

Asama takes Katrice hand, and leads her to his Christmas tree.

"How beautiful", said Katrice.

"I decorated with my family", said Asama.

"Too bad, I didn't get to see them", said Katrice.

"Well, my brother is sleeping in a room downstairs", Asama remembered.

"Really?" asked Katrice.

Asama nodded.

At that moment, a man looking similar to Asama, but younger and waves at Katrice, and he is shown wearing a blue/white Christmas sweater, blue pants, and white slippers.

"Who's that Asama?" asked Asama's brother.

"Aike, this is Akito", Asama introduces his brother to Katrice.

"Nice to meet you, Akito", said Aike.

"You too, Aike", said Katrice.

"I'm going out, so enjoy yourself lovebirds", said Aike, leaving out the house.

"Bye", said Asama.

"I'll tell mom, you said, hi", said Aike.

"Please do", said Asama.

"You're not going to visit your mother?" asked Katrice.

"No, we don't talk anymore", said Asama.

Katrice takes Asama's hand leading him to the living room, she pulls out a bunch of flowers, that turn into a flying broomstick.

Katrice gets on the flying broomstick, holds out her hand, Asama takes it, and gets on the broomstick.

Asama and Katrice head out outside seeing all the beautiful Christmas decorations, then sees me playing my flute on a roof with Aikawa and a bunch of other people watching me.

Asama and Katrice also sees Mariah lead Usagi and Misaki to Chie and Aria, who's hosting a Christmas party outside by singing on a stage, I joined Aria and Chie still playing my flute.

Mariah uses her magic sending purple aura all around that turn into turtle doves that everybody sees and smiles.

A few  minutes later, Mariah and I hugged Misaki and Usagi with smiles, Katrice and Asama kiss under the mistletoe.

"You aren't leaving yet, are you?" asked Chie, looking 

"Of course not, not until we sing a song", said Mariah.

Mariah and I get onto the stage.

"We want to wish a Merry Christmas", We sang together.

Mariah and I spread our wings, flying up in the sky, and sang "And a happy New Year".

"Christmas spreads love and happiness to everybody", sang Mariah, as she makes a star appear in the sky.

Throughout the song, Mariah and I make a giant flower, then we split, so I spinned my flute turning into a scepter, and Mariah uses her scepter to send flowers to families and couples.

The story ends with us saying goodbye to everybody and smiling, then returns to our family, who was watching everything.

We explained everything so them. 

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