
Chapter 71: Oath Breaker...Dead


It's the fifteenth hours of the day and the Sun was already out blazing, I glare at it for a second before urging Von forward.

'Von, a silly name for my silly wolf' I thought as I stroked it's fur. Torug wants me to kill 'Malu' the smelly Goblin, the oath breaker.

There was a time when he worked for blood horn but killed his kin and fled. He has that smell, the smell of everyone who has killed their kin.

He still has that oily voice, and his back remained hunched after that strike from Ghur, his beady black eyes and false smile watches you like a wolf might observe it's prey.

'He's not a wolf though, Von is many times better' I mused as I couldn't help stroking his fur once again.

I can't help it...

Malu broke passed Sker's ruined ground and ordered his people to search for anything good.

watching them silently, I couldn't help growling, 'Orcs without honor, how can they serve one so weak'.

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