
12 the heir to shadow

(Dark Forest border of the Shadow to Domaine F.O.B.)

On the border of the shadowed of Domaine lies the forward operating base for the shadow Empire. The base has two purposes first is to protect and Screen travelers and Traders from the light Dominion traveling deeper within the shadow Dominion. This is necessary because the shadow Dominion has little to no agriculture, this is because of the Hazardous nature for the shadow Dominion first The monsters with in the show Dominion are much stronger, and more numerous than in the light Dominion, and because of the warring tribes of the past the land is filled with barbarians and Raiders that would love nothing more than to kill defenseless farmers. That is to say that there aren't any farms but the resources needed to protect them make them few and far between. This makes the primary staple for food monster flesh. Hunting is not as sustainable as farming thus the bulk of the food the Shadow Dominion receives is from the light to Dominion, which is full of plentiful fields and Farms, where the Shadow Dominion consists mostly of mountains and Forest.

The second reason is protect Shadow Dominion territory from hostile forces within the light Dominion, the primary being the Church of light who sees everybody in the shadow Dominion as cursed demons that need to be eradicated. The base is usually protected and commanded by a member of the Royal Family. The reason for this is because of the base's strategic importance to the Empire. Members of the royal family are typically more powerful then the typical citizens and soldiers of the empire. This also allows the empress to maintain a physical symbol of power which allows the empress to maintain control. For within the empire weakness means death. This base is currently commanded by the empresses most trusted confidant, crowned princess Aria shadow-born firstborn to Empress Demona and the second most powerful individual within the shadow Dominion with the empress as the most powerful.

for the last few days the Empire fob has been on high alert due to the presence of light Templar troops on the light Dominion side of the Border the Commander in charge princess Aria has ordered her troops to be on Alert in case of potential Church of light invasion with orders to scramble if anything happens at the border the base is Garrison consists of two companies the first being light mechanized which consists of Infantry lav and light assault Mecca which is ideal for the forested Terrain that covers the entire border and the second being a VTOL company consisting of both gunship and transports due to the massive Forest that the Border consists of it is Impractical to have a ground presents protect the Border to counter this gunships are used with powerful scanning technology too rapidly Patrol the Border and keep anybody from Crossing outside of the checkpoints.

The day before Kira and Twilight's encounter at the border.

Aria... tisk .. I can't believe those light church assholes are just sitting there I wish they'd do something I am so freaking bored and tired of this waiting game

??... cough.. an individual in the corner of the princesses office coughs to get her attention. "we've been friends for a long time and I still can't believe how bloodthirsty you are sometime".

The princess looks in the corner and finds her best friend and second-in-command making snide remarks. Because she doesn't have a filter she always makes the princess roll her eyes. This person's name is Lieutenant Commander Galilea Storm-guard. She is a beautiful woman, who is tall with a slender physique, wearing a standard Empire officer's uniform which is black with red adornment, she has short black hair under an officer's cap and sharp gold brown eyes similar to that of which you would see in a wolf behind a pair of glasses. When one looks upon her they would see a proud woman with years of military experience. She possesses a cold an analytical mind which was honed by her family that has ruled over the Border region since the Empire's founding.

Aria... Gail can you blame me when was last time we had a good fight 200 years 3, I don't know I wish they would do something so I have an excuse just to wipe them all out bunch of fucking zealous the lot of them. Hope some of them to put up a decent fight I haven't had the chance to kill anybody in ages.

This makes her friend sigh loud and heavy because she knows the princess is one of those battle freaks that just can't get enough.

Galilea... Aria only a fool bages for combat and a bigger one for war. A fight at he border could ignite full-scale war and you know it if something should happen at the border we should move in Fast and hard and annihilate them before they even know what happened. Once that's done we need to paint the Light Church in a bad way to maintain public opinion this will allow us to maintain peaceful relations with the kingdoms on the other side of the Border which in turn will allow continue trade for our minerals for their food so our people don't starve or kill each other for food

Aria... sigh .. you don't need to remind me I'm not a fool but we've been on alert for 3 days if something don't happen soon the troops are going to be too restless and might start going over there to kick their asses by themselves and you know it.

Galilea... shrug.. it's your job as the commander make sure they don't. It shouldn't be too hard all you have to ...

Before Galilea can finish her sentence the terminal in the corner begins to flash and make noise this terminal is used for priority Communications directly from the empress this makes both Aria and Galia stare at each other with concern before Aria moves to answer the call.

Demona... "Aria I have an urgent mission for you and your men." The empress's says with a serious tone before Aria can answer.

Aria... What's the matter mom?

Demona... we have a pair of VIPs coming In their safety is of the utmost importance. Their names are Twilight and Kira Rediron. They are currently on their way to the Border however they are being pursued by that blasted Church you are to protect them, and eliminate any who opposed you and I mean ANY have I made myself clear.

Aria... I don't understand what makes them so important?

Demona... let's just say with them in the pictures things are going to be a lot more interesting, ....you have your orders. I know I'm being short with you but I have a lot to do and very little time to do it I have to finish preparations before they arrive in the capitol. Speaking of once you secure them bring them straight to me and I'll handle things from there, I love you and stay safe.

Aria looks at her friend for with a stupefied look on her face before gaining her composure.

Aria... I want five squads and Squadron of gunships ready to leave within the hour I am setting out for the Border and I'm leaving you in charge of the base until I get back.

Galilea salutes and heads for the door without saying the word leaving Aria a moment to contemplate what her mother just told her.

Aria... "Kira and Twilight huh I wonder just how interesting you're going to be". She says with a smirk as she stares through the window of her office upon her troops.

sorry for the wait guys I was planning on having five chapters released today but a recent rain storm destroyed my notes and written chapters that I was going to post when I got back online so I have to write everything from scratch again since I'm kind of a scatter brain I have to go back to through my chapters and rewrite all my notes so it might take me a little while to get chapters out regularly again sorry again and I hope you enjoy my story

lightace19creators' thoughts
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