
Prologue (His Past) – 12. The Hunting Competition

The hunting competition almost begun and Angel still hasn't found her. He began to feel anxious.

A loud sound of bell rang, indicates the hunting competition is almost started. He walked toward the hunting ground's front gate while his eyes continued to search her among the crowd. In front of the gate, nine participants had gathered, one of them was Ilex.

A middle aged man in Asteria's officials uniform approached and bowed to greeted them.

"Welcome participants to the hunting competition. My name is Herdin. I will explain to you the rules of this competition."

"The rules of this competition are simple. After all participants enter the hunting ground, we will put bait in the middle of the field to lure monsters around it. Each dead monster will be worth ten points, while the main hunt will be worth one hundred points. The first person who can reach one hundred points is the winner. "

Herdin gestured his hand towards a guard then he approached them with a tray containing some magic bracelets.

"Each participant will also be given a 'teleport' bracelet. For participants who wants to give up just shout 'I surrender' then he will be moved out of the hunting ground."

All participants took the bracelet and put it on their wrist.

After they seem ready, two guards opened the gate.

"Now, you may enter the hunting ground." Herdin said while gestured them to enter.

As soon as the participants enter the hunting ground, bait is placed in the middle of field near the entrance and the gate is closed.

The smell of fresh blood from the bait lured monsters around it. Sound of howls and footsteps can be heard from all directions. In an instant they were surrounded by a dozens of Shadow Wolf.

The fight was fierce inside the hunting ground, one by one the Shadow Wolf died. All participants start collecting their points, but Angel hasn't gotten any points yet.

He simply dodges or brushed off the monster's attacks and let other participants kill it. Occasionally his attention was directed towards the front gate where the guests gathered.

A participant's scream made him turn his attention back to the hunting ground. A Fiend Bear roared loudly in front of them, the main hunted monster this time had appeared.

Some participants immediately surrendered when they saw a Fiend Bear appear before them, the others surrendered after realizing that their attack couldn't hurt the monster. Now only two participants are left, Angel and Ilex.

He looked around while making a plan. A tree with a large branch caught his attention.

He approached Ilex.

"Ilex, climb that tree and wait for me there. I will lure it, after I give the signal, attack the back of its neck."

Ilex glanced at the tree.

"Alright, I'll follow your plan." then he ran towards the tree.

As soon as Ilex moved, the monster's attention turned to him; suddenly it shot its spikes. Angel quickly covered him and broke all the spikes.

The monster roared with anger, now it turned its attention to Angel. The monster jumped at him fiercefully, he restrained it with his sword and pushed it back.

The monster keep attacked him repeatedly with its claws; he dodged and parried it while keep moved backwards towards the tree.

He glanced over to make sure Ilex was ready on his position.

'I can't let it realize Ilex's position. I will look for a chance to attack its eyes.'

Suddenly Ilex jumped and swung his sword towards the monster. The monster noticed him and knocked it down before his sword reached it. Ilex was thrown and crashed into a tree.

Angel clicked his tongue unconsciously.

"I haven't given a signal, why did you attack him? !" he said in annoyance.

Before Ilex could back to his feet, the monster was ready to attack with its claws. He quickly covered him and brush off its attack. The monster swung its claws again, he dodge down as his hand took a handful sandy soil under his feet then quickly back stood up and threw it to the monster's eyes. The monster groaned angrily while holding its eyes.

"Ilex, go up now and attack from above!"

No answer...

"Ilex!" he shouted again.

He glanced at Ilex behind him; he was still sitting under the tree, trembling in fear.

'Dammit! We will be getting killed! 'he thought.

He jumped onto Ilex's shoulders, making it as a foothold while his left hand reaching for a large branch above him and pulling his body onto the branch.

As soon as the monster was seen off guard, he jumped and swung his sword into the back of its neck. His sword managed to pierce its neck. The monster struggled and groaned in pain. He kept hold on to his sword, his body hanging and shaking violently on the monster's neck.

Its hand tried to reach his body, before it reached him, he kicked it and made it as a foothold to push his body over the monster's shoulder. Then with one pull, Angel tore off half of its neck.

The monster struggled and groaned in pain, its hand trying to reach him again. He quickly jumped down to avoid it.

The monster struggled and raging blindly, until it finally lost its balance and died.

Everyone fell silent...

Herdin's voice broke the silence.

"Prince Angelus managed to kill our main hunt! The winner of this hunting competition is the second Prince of Asteria, Angelus Raizel Reinheart!"

A loud applause was heard.

Angel turned his attention back to the crowd of guests at the front gate, which were filled with cheers and applause for him. His eyes kept searching for the girl he had met last night, but he didn't find it, then he turned his gaze to Ilex who was still sitting under the tree. He sheathed his sword, approached him and extended his hand to help him up.

Ilex brushed off his hand angrily.

"I don't need your help!" he said as he stood and walked to the front gate.

He just sighed and followed him from behind.

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