
Regression Of Forest And Affection

Arthur tightened the grip on Andrea's neck, causing her enhanced physique to struggle against his own.

The girl moved her origin essence, trying her best to activate one of her Fae, but Arthur, raised his head and slammed his down upon hers, causing her vision to blur for a moment before her body went limp, struck unconscious by the sudden blow.

If she needlessly struggled and ended up accidentally killing herself, then all of Arthur's hard work would be for naught.

Grabbing a metal chain, formed from a Rank 2 Fae material, Arthur wrapped it around Andrea's body, limiting all of her movements as he gently placed her in the centre of the room.

Letting out a deep breath, Arthur tilted his head back and brushed all of his loosely hanging strands of hair back, before letting out a loud sigh, making his handsome appearance seem somewhat demonic.

"Alright then.... First step now beginning".

Glancing around the room, he nodded slightly before clapping his hands together, causing the myriad number of Connection Fae and Link Fae to activate.

Numerous white coloured lines, started forming, beginning from beneath Arthur's feet before moving all throughout the cave, eventually reaching Andrea's unconscious body.

There must've been.... at least a thousand of these bright white coloured lines. They sprouted out of Arthur's feet and slowly reached Andrea's feet, before crawling up her body, as if worms or roots that had been stretched out.

They crawled up Andrea's legs, her abdomen, her chest, her arms, her hands and even her face.

These lines weren't limited to just the outside of her body either. Inside her body, white coloured lines extended towards her bones, her flesh, her muscles, her organs and even towards the origin essence sea deep inside of her.

It took a few minutes, but eventually these Connection Fae and Link Fae had completely connected Andrea's body to Arthur's.

He left out a deep breath, before extending the reach of the Connection Fae towards his own body.

As if mirroring Andrea's, Arthur's body too was covered in numerous white coloured lines. And just like Andrea, nothing was spared, not even his origin essence sea.

He nodded.

"First step complete.... now onto the second step".

Through the connection, Arthur activated several fae within his origin essence sea.

Body Sea Fae. Mind Sea Fae. Soul Sea Fae.

Flesh Blocking Fae. Bone Blocking Fae. Blood Blocking Fae. Heart Blocking Fae. Emotion Blocking Fae. Will Blocking Fae. Desire Blocking Fae. Consciousness Blocking Fae. Being Blocking Fae.

Activating those "Sea" Fae, Arthur felt the origin essence within his own body expand rapidly, filling up his lost reserves and eventually reaching the maximum before spilling over.

Normally, this extra origin essence would go to waste, and be released into the world as origin essence would would quickly be devoured by spiritual essence.

However, in this case, since both Arthur and Andrea had connected their origin essence seas, the "extra" origin essence spilled out and towards Andrea through their connection.

Arthur pushed all of his origin essence into Andrea through their connection. His origin essence, resembled a strong, black coloured pond, which had suddenly been pushed into a large, white coloured lake.

The resulting combination of origin essence would cause both sides origin essence to become impure, as the combination wouldn't allow either of them to control or even utilise such a androgynous origin essence.


This impure origin essence did not even once "spill" over to Arthur.

All of those "Blocking" Fae, which he had activated earlier, restricted the natural flow of origin essence, its balance, its purity, and, in addition, its stability.

Arthur's origin essence sea was now completely empty, with the sole exception of those two "existences" deep within his Body origin essence sea and his Mind origin essence sea.

Activating the power within both of them, Arthur detonated one using the other, causing an immense amount of spiritual essence, far beyond anything that anyone in Parachenko Village had ever experienced before into the air within his large cave.

Shadows flickered despite the light source not moving.

And the large stalactites hanging from the cave ceiling resembled hanging bones, filled with a deathly intent.

A small trail of blood leaked out from Arthur's mouth, but the thousand year old reincarnate just smirked as he wiped the blood away.

His origin essence seas were now completely and utterly empty. Only the faint image of a large shadow of crystalline origin essence could be seen.

"Second step.... complete. Now moving onto the third step".

Arthur let out a deep breath as through the connection slowly moved this impure origin essence out of Andrea's origin essence seas, slowly filtering it using a combination of "Blocking" type Fae, "Movement" type Fae, Separation Fae and Purity Fae.

This ritual was even more advanced than even the Attribute Control Skills that both Elder Vova and Elder Anatol possessed. Despite its uselessness in battle, the number of Fae that needed to be controlled, and the number of Fae that needed to be utilised were dozens of times higher.

Using only a single connection Fae might've been possible, and much easier to Arthur, but the time it would take to transfer all of the origin essence using only a single channel would be practically impossible.

Under Arthur's careful guidance, he pulled "his" origin essence away from Andrea's as it naturally sought to equalize the balance between their connected origin essence seas.

Arthur's origin essence was naturally drawn to his own, but, under his control, only Andrea's origin essence leaked through, and flowed naturally into his own origin essence sea.

If Andrea were to wake up right about now, and saw that Arthur was "stealing" her origin essence, she would be able to kill him quite easily.

But with the Consciousness Lotus that he had grown in this cave, there was no chance that Andrea would wake up anytime soon.

Several minutes passed and Arthur could feel the beads of sweat form on his brow.

Mixing his origin essence with Andrea's was easy enough, but the opposite took quite a bit of time, even for someone like him, with his knowledge and experience.

Their origin essence seas had been completely reversed, and both parties possessed the others origin essence.

"Third step.... now complete".

"Beginning forth step now".

This part.... was probably the second most important part of the entire ritual.

In Arthur's previous life, he had reached Rank 5 Fae Master, and undergone Ascension and become a Rank 6 Fae Immortal. During that period, when a Fae Master becomes a Fae Immortal, they are awakened, to a degree, about the various Laws and Heavenly Rules that exist throughout the Thirty Three Heavens.

Once this comprehension of Laws reaches a certain point, an "image" will form within a Fae Masters origin essence sea.

Just like Arthur's "shadow" and "bone" image that he had destroyed only moments ago.

Each "image" takes up an entire origin essence sea, so normally, it is only possible to possess three "images" in each origin essence sea.

As a result, Fae Masters and Fae Immortals can only comprehend three Laws at any given moment.

However.... those with one of the Thirty Three Sovereign Boundary Physiques can possess two Laws within one origin essence sea.

These two Laws are the Laws upon which the Sovereign Boundary Physique is created from.

Meaning that, someone like Andrea, could comprehend up to four Laws.

Forest and Emotion, and two more of the Fae Masters choice.

This was, without a doubt, the greatest boon that the Thirty Three Sovereign Boundary Physiques possessed.

The origin essence sea and origin essence regeneration was nothing in comparison to this.

The Secondary Origin Fae was special, but not every single one of them possessed combat capabilities. And the ability that was generated from the Physique itself, was dependent on the owner, meaning that it varied, and couldn't be valued properly.

Arthur might be forced to cultivate Wood Laws and Emotion Laws, but the fact that he could cultivate just one more than other Fae Masters was.... transcendent. A heavenly power which was only given to thirty three people at any given moment in time.....

Arthur's eyes flashed with a hidden gleam.

Using his origin essence within Andrea's origin essence sea, Arthur activated a huge number of Fae.

His hands rose softly, coming together and making Arthur's appearance resemble a praying monk. His expression was serene, his breathing calm and his emotions still as he opened his eyes.

His origin essence flared, and one of Arthur's hands reversed completely, making one of his hands point upwards, and the other towards the floor.

His tone was gentle, reminiscent of how one would treat their lover or loved one.

"Physique Attribute Control Skill: Regression Of Forest And Affection".

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