

"It has been a whole week now since I last added something into these pages of yours, dear diary. Summer passed fast and the autumn season is approaching fast."

"Soon after it will snow again. I always like the cooling weather that breathes in life into everything that was burdened by the heat of the sun. It is also the season where life starts anew. Letting go of the old and preparing for the new."

"And when Christmas comes I hope I will once again get a visit of that brother of mine. It has been a few years now that he last visited. He promised me in a letter that he would do so. Maybe I am just thinking too much into it. But he has not broken one of his promises yet."

A young girl with blonde hair wrote those sentences into a little booklet. The words were small but it was also elegant handwriting. Her face was showing a warm smile while doing so.

She was sitting at a table with a large window overviewing the garden. When she tried to continue to write a knocking at her room door could be heard.

Her attention shifted towards it.

"Yes?", she asked with a firm voice.

"Anna, it's me. Are you ready to go riding out?", asked another female voice when the door opened.

"Yeah, I am nearly finished, Emma. Just a short moment, okay?" The young woman that was now identified as Anastasia grinned at her friend.

"Alright. Say, is it another letter to your brother?"

Anastasia was grinning at that question. "Yep, I won't accept it if he just forgets about his family. He should visit us more often." Her words then became determined and she also collected her hair that grew past her shoulders into a ponytail.

She then grabbed a thick letter that was placed to the side that she already had written beforehand.

"Are you not just being too worried about it?", smiled Emma back. It seems now that Anastasia learned the Gerun language both girls seemed to get along even better than before.

"That and my brother is supposed to go to his fiance soon. I already sent him a letter about it and he just wrote that he is too busy at the moment. He is trying to avoid it, I can feel it." Anastasia sighed. "Why is it that taking a break seems so impossible for him...This whole war. How long do you think this will continue?"

Emma looked worried now as well. "Father is not really talking much about it. They still think we are too young for that."

"Well, he will get something to hear when he is back at Christmas. If he doesn't make it I make sure he gets a beating from me!", proclaimed Anastasia.

"Don't blame your brother for it soo much. Anyway, I will be waiting at the stables. When you are ready let's just ride out."

"Sure, I won't take long."

Getting back to write into her diary after Emma left she increased her writing speed. But her mind somewhat seemed worried at this moment.

"I nearly forgot, dear diary. This war has been going on for years now and I am getting more and more worried about my dear brother. He told me that it was for me and our parents. That he had to do this. His next goal would be to liberate the Russy Empire..."

"But when I saw him last time I could see it in his very eyes. This war is consuming him. The brother I once knew is slowly being taken away from me and I don't like it. I don't want him to forget that there is also a world without war. That war was the very thing that robbed us of our parents."

"Brother also told me to prepare myself. That I would someday represent that new beginning. I still don't know what he means with that. It just makes me more fearful that I could lose him. I pray to God that it may not happen..."

With those last few strokes, she finished the entry under the month July of the Year 1926. Then closing the her diary she put it away in a cupboard and left the room.


"A toast to our commander!", shouted Mika loudly with a clear red heated blush on his face while downing down another golden ale. Even burping loudly in satisfaction.

Yuri only sighed. "I am the same rank as you, you drunk buffoon."

"You still saved us and without you, we would have not made it out that well. Man, you may be small but you sure got the makings of a real man!", said now another guy from the group of the MP's

'Damn drunkards. How are you all going to be sober at the rise of the morning?', thought Yuri now. "I don't think I am alone to praise. I got good comrades and surprisingly there was another capable leader among the cadets."

The MP looked at him and then continued to drink. Another cadet that overheard the conversation glanced over at the little girl that drank a hot coffee. "Hmm, that devil? I guess she did lead us until you found us. But...well I am not sure about her." He said truthfully. It was of course easier to do so while being intoxicated.

Yuri also noticed the rather increased toxicity against the girl and became a little bit angry. He did not feel that their judgment was true. But talking him down for it was also immature so he let it slide for now.

Eli saw that and bumped his shoulder. "Don't expect everyone to change or have the same tolerance towards women. Especially when the only thing that they see is children..." He whispered into his ear and then shuffled along with the others.

Eli also only had a hot cup of choco in his hands to warm up.

Yuri looked after him and nodded. Then he went over to Tanya.

"How do you feel? Why so far away from the others?" Yuri did notice she was rather looking lonely with no one particularly enjoying themselves near her.

"I am fine and I don't think socializing like this will help me improve on being a soldier...", she answered when she looked at the drunken people and then at him. Her hot coffee cup raised to her lips.

"True, getting drunk is not that desirable but having fun and mixing with the people should still be a good leaders duty. How else can you slowly find out what your people think and need? Anyway, ain't that too bitter? You are rather young to actually enjoy that stuff.", answered Yuri and commented on the coffee while also sipping on his own cup.

"And you are that much older?", she snorted a little to his comment.

"Nope, But I only got used to it about a year ago.", he smiled. Through that small conversation alone, Yuri got to know far more then he thought at first.

This little girl that looked like a pale porcelain doll and that reminded him of his own little sister seemed to be rather determined in the path she chose. To become a soldier.

"Hmm, why do you think I would become a leader?", she asked now.

"Why? It is simple. Your performance, even if overshadowed by mine is still remarkable. And I am sure the northern HQ already took note of it. Say...What brought you into the military?"

"I am an orphan. There was no other path for me. Either I become a soldier or I starve and die in that orphanage."

Yuri looked at her. "That...is probably another reason why you will rise to become a leader. You take this as your duty and chance for a better life...Most others only serve their time after being conscripted. You know, it looks like we have more in common than I thought."

Then a smile appeared on his face. "So, how about I become your friend?"

"Why would I agree to that?", she asked back at his words. Her face showed a slight frown.

"Hmm, who knows? Maybe it could come in use someday?", he replied and Tanya contemplated those words. She looked like she realized something but at the same time was not that sure how to react to it.

"Besides, seeing you so lonely is not a good thing. We soldiers especially need people we can trust and confide in if we ever find ourselves in a time of near breakage...And such a time will eventually come." Yuri grinned then. "Oh, look, there are some high ranking people visiting us."

He pointed towards a place of some people approaching their little victory feast. Tanya also looked at that direction and could see a brigadier general among them which let her eyes enlargen.

Well, it is, after all, a Youjo Senki(Little Girl Tale), right? Need to add more of the things happening from the perspective of the younger sister :)

Not sure if I will manage it how I actually envisioned it at first but let's see how far I can push it.

Also Vol. 7 finally was translated and it seems Vol. 8 is soon to join. Still missing 5 volumes from then until we reach the same information status as the Japanese version.

Going through it at the moment. For all that are curious. This fanfic was started when I finished all 6 english translated available volumes.

Soulcrystalcreators' thoughts
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