
Mystic River

Early in the morning, Aka went on his usual jogging routine. But this time he didn't went on the field, rather, he jog on the nearby forest that secludes the Primal Base. It rained last night that's why the ambience is still damp and the fresh smell of the rain still lingers. Nobody usually use this route this early and this was used more on trainings.

While jogging, he halt mid-way when he saw the familiar river side. It's the river that was always accustomed for drill and workout for the soldiers in this base.

He went down the slope and walk toward the river as he looked at the other side.

It's a rocky area and if he clearly remember, that other side used to be the finish line of the training when crossing the river during the winter drills. It was frigid cold and traumatizing.

Just when he is about to leave, he saw a thin blood stain flowing within the water which made him stunned. Without indecision, he followed where the blood is coming from, as he head at the northern side.

The river was covered by the giant trees that's why the more he walk, the more it becomes dimmer but he isn't afraid at all. He used to live at a forest more gruesome than this so this was mutual and normal. Then, he saw a deer that was lying on the middle of the river and the same blood still oozes from it. The deer was already dead and wasn't moving.

Aka went toward the dead deer which made his clothes to be drench. As he went near he noticed that the deer wasn't bleeding at any part of its body and there is no visible wound. The cupful of blood was coming out from its mouth, nose, and its eyes. It was an unusual sight and odd. The deer wasn't shoot anywhere, which made Aka into a conclusion that the deer died from an internal bleeding.

He grabbed the deer body and dragged it toward the river side. The deer skin was still on its original color which means it just died maybe just an hour ago. Its eye was also not murky though, it was bleeding. There are no sign of injury and damage at the deer skin. It can be mistaken alive if not for the fact that it was bleeding from its face.

This made Aka's brows to cease, the cause of death wasn't clear and he had a hard time of verifying what it is. This isn't normal and he never seen such a clean death. There's no possibility of a disease that resides in but there is a possibility that it was poisoned. But if so, that poison was lethal for the point that it will results into this especially that deers is a large animals. Thus, this was the military turf and was secured highly. Even from the beginning, the sects that stay here was always aware that wildlife still lives here and was very cautious with their actions in avoidance of harm to the animals.

He grabbed his phone and dialed a number, after a few talk he ended the call. It was one of the forensic sect members, even if the Forensic Sect was a small sect at the army and considered as the lowest number of members. Those who were working there was masterful and was skilled. The military owned their own investigation and forensic teams for an easier conduct.

Aka didn't longer stayed around and with a last glance, he left and returned at the cottage, however something is making him uneasy about that.

After he take a shower, he went to change on his admirable stoic military uniform, he looks dashing and majestic as usual even if his godly face was always that straight looking. He went out from his cottage and started to walk toward the Main Building that is a two kilometer away from the West Side Cottages.

He received a notification last night that a conference for all the captain of battle sects would transpire this morning and it's a must.

While walking, the other soldiers can't help but to look at him in awe, the praise wasn't all for his bewitching looks but also for his skill and the air he brings around. Even if he wasn't approachable and that can be only look from afar, many of them admire him whole heartedly.

Upon his arrival at the conference room, just usually, he is the center of attraction but he didn't care at the slightest and he took an empty seat. He just hopes that this will begin soon and will end.

"How are you doing captain?" said a familiar tone that is no other than Gray who just arrived. Gear was also just like Aka that was well known but he was more approachable and friendly so most people tend to talk with him. Also, this certain dark brunette haired man doesn't lose at the category of handsomeness and if there's a thing that Aka was envious about Gear, that's the ability of this man to obscure his savageness toward the other people and act like as if he isn't a fearsome man at the battle field.

"There are plenty of other seats" Aka replied with his usual boring tone

"But you look so lonely" Gear chuckled in tease

"I didn't ask for your pity" Aka answered back completely unbothered

"You're really unbelievable" Gear shrugged, well, he is used to it ever since a long time ago and this wasn't the first time that this man speak like this. He just seemed to be not interested at any other thing that's a waste of energy that's why he always tends to immediately shut the conversation down.

"I also didn't ask for your opinion" Aka said back for the second time, when Gear was about to say something the door at the conference room opened and the Brigadier General followed by some other high ranking officers. Everyone in the room stand in straight pose as they give their salute. The Brigadier General also did the same.

"Take your seat captains" the Brigadier General as everyone did what he said.

"By the why before starting our conference I would like to congratulate all of you for your great performances on your past missions in this month of August and I would like to say to keep your good works" the Brigadier General added

Everyone clapped from the praise but deep inside they all know what's the most excellent unit and the lowest unit. They don't have a ranking system but they can easily differentiate on what unit is brilliant and what's not.

"So our agenda for our conference this day is to discuss about the just-in mission that was given from the higher ups. As we all know, Borgzpit just suffered from an earth quake two months ago and the country was greatly affected and they're in a tremendous crisis. It may take for another decade for them to ease the problem, especially that their number one source of their economy was destroyed by the said disaster" the Brigadier General enunciated as he looked at the captains around the room.

"But that wasn't the main point of the story, there is a single island called Cana-' he paused as the large screen in front started to flash photos and information about the island

"The island of Cana doesn't belong to our country but it was inside our country's area of responsibility and it was a territory of Borgzpit and it was also affected by the disaster. Hence, the island was mostly occupied by indigenous civilians who still didn't differ that much at the new era" the Brigadier General concluded

"However, the most imminence here was that the island is a peat of rebels who was born at the prominent country. The rebellious group was presiding by the conduct of Luca Moorne, he is a 39 years old and he is a Borgzpit nationality. The main reason of his rebellion that was garnered is that he wants to take a full control at the island. There are many indigenous civilians that was also recruited by him to join his rebellion group" the Brigadier General further stated

The captains around the conference room was listening bright and clear

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