

"But you know Jhummi, I am so glad that I was your first kiss, and I am not sorry for that", he said then making me surprise, 

"Yes, but that was a force one", I said, but he smirks, 

"I do not care, I am just happy that was me", said Ayan and again placed a small kiss on my lips, 

"Ayan, someone will see us, let us go", I said and pushed him, and he smirks licking his lips, 

"I just do not care", he said and grabbed my hand, and we headed towards the hotel, as we were about to reach, he leaves my hand, and we both went into different directions, "do not worry okay, just take care", he whispered in my ears before leaving, 

And that made me really blushes hard, as I passed the corridor and headed towards my hotel room, I for remember that Suhani has the key card, but I guess she would have come now, but when I reached there I saw my room is still locked, and my phone is also inside, so I do not have any other option instead of wait, 

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