

Jhummi and Suhani both went to College happily. They went to attend the first lecture. In the classroom when Ayan saw Jhummi he smiled in her direction but Jhummi ignored his smile.

Just at that time a guy came to Jhummi and gave her beautiful flowers,

"This is for you ma'am", he said and left,

Jhummi opens the box and smiled to see chocolates but in the very next moment she made a serious face as she saw the card, she took a deep breath and opened the card, 

"I will win your heart at any cost", Nihal write this, Jhummi got angry at this but Suhani, she patted her back and said,

"Relax baby, Let him do whatever he wants, let's eat this yummy chocolate, we can't waste his money after all", said Suhani and both laughed hard,

Ayan made a frowny face but deep inside he was getting angrier, 

After the lecture, Ayan went out of the class, 

Nihal got a call, someone told him that the principal is calling him at the poolside, 

Nihal being so dumb and he went to the poolside, someone put a hand on Nihal's mouth and punched him hard, and throw him in the pool. When Nihal get back in his senses, there was no one.

Nihal came out from the pool very slowly because of pain. Nihal couldn't understand why someone beat him. When Ayan came back into the classroom he was breathing heavily and anger was clearly visible on his face.

When Jhummi noticed him, she felt something wrong about him. Just at the moment, Nihal came into the classroom, he was looking completely mess with wet clothes. Don't know why but Jhummi sensed that Ayan is behind Nihal's this condition.

But Jhummi didn't understand why Ayan did this. He has no connection with all this. Jhummi thought that because of her Nihal is in this poor condition.

When Abhimanyu got to know about Nihal he got really angry. He really wants to kill that stupid Nihal. But Abhimanyu's friend Vivek told him that someone beat Nihal and throw him in the pool.

Abhimanyu was thinking about who did this with him but he was happy too, next time Nihal wouldn't dare to go near Jhummi. Ayan was glad to see Nihal like this after all he has done all this. But he still doesn't understand why he did this. So what if Nihal proposed to Jhummi and send chocolates for her, it's none of his fucking business rights,

Still, he is being jealous and behaving like a possessive boyfriend who will not let touch anyone his girl and who will dare to go near her he'll show them hell.

Jhummi noticed every single expression of Ayan and now she knows that Ayan has done all this but why ??. Jhummi really needs to ask him. Jhummi told Suhani that she needs to see Ayan and Suhani nod.

Suhani went to the library and Jhummi went to practice. Abhimanyu was waiting for Jhummi at court. Jhummi waved her hand and smiled. They started practicing and Abhimanyu wanted to start a talk so he tried to be casual and asked genuinely like he doesn't know what happened,

"Who was the guy who proposed to you, I heard someone send you chocolates and flowers", said Abhimanyu, 

Jhummi made a tensed face and said with a forced smile,

"He is a boy from our batch and his name is Nihal, 

 "Oh I guess I know him, Is he the same whose dad is businessmen, he is a nice guy", said Abhimanyu, 

Jhummi nods her head in agreement and said,

" I know is a nice guy and he meant every single word he said, but I just don't want to give anyone false hopes, As you know me, I want to focus on my scholarship and career, If the relationship would be in my destiny I'll have someone anytime soon but for now, I don't want to disappoint coach sir this time. This tournament is very important for me and I don't want to lose it at any cost", said Jhummi, and Abhimanyu nod his hand in agreement,

"I am going early today, I have some important work so I'll see you tomorrow," said Abhimanyu and left with a smile on his face,

Jhummi thought that she could practice some more time, so she called Shrishti and asked her to come court. Shrishti told her that she'll be there in half an hour. Jhummi sat on the chair and started scrolling Instagram. She felt a familiar cologne and looked up,

Ayan was watching her with blank eyes,

"Hey", Ayan said, but Jhummi was angry with him,

"Why the hell you beat Nihal, his matter was nothing to related you, then why did you do this", Jhummi asked with a furious tone, 

Ayan doesn't know how to answer her because he also doesn't know why he did this. Ayan holds her hand and she stood up, there was no space in between their bodies, they could feel each other's breath on their faces. Jhummi felt her heart was beating so fast and she felt butterflies in her stomach, 

Jhummi took a step back but there was no space so Ayan pulled her hand and she bumped into his hard chest.

She could feel his heartbeats, for god sake, his heart was also beating so fast. He pulled her chin up and made her look in his eyes.

"Look Jhummi, Nihal is not a good guy, he was just using his dad's money to impress you, a guy like him doesn't deserve you and you better stay away from him and any other guy from this college, this will be good for you and me too, better if you get it", he said and as he finished his line, he smashed his lips on her,

It felt so magical, they both lost in the kiss. He was exploring her mouth and she didn't take back her step this time. She completely forgets whom she was with. She roamed her hand in his hair and her other hand was on his neck.

They felt like they were in a different world and it was a never stopping kiss but as soon as the reality hit Jhummi and she came into this world she opened her eyes and her face was just a few inches far from Ayan's face.

She pushed Ayan away and without looking back at him she left the court.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Thank you...

Follow me on Instagram as ruchikamangeshwar, thank you.

ruchika_mangeshwarcreators' thoughts
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