
EPISODE 61:Leader***

And so, they tie me on a chair inside the control room of the ship. The guards leave afterward, giving me a moment of shame alone. I was so close on detonating their ship, but sadly my bag has been confiscated which contains all the necessary items needed for my grand plan that turned out to be a flaw after making a single blunder.

Who is to blame? I'd say this is the work of the steam. If it wasn't for such a state of matter, I'd be leaving, chuckling at the fire that succumbs to this ship. My plans are a complete failure, but still, escaping is an option for me. Inside my pocket is my handy dandy Rotom-Phone which I could use to contact Xeryll.

Here's the problem, however, and that is my hands. They tied unto the back of the seat, leaving me no choice but the stare at the windows, watching the stars. I wait for something to break this lackluster moment, and that is when all of a sudden the doors behind me open.

It is then slammed shut as Lilith moves to me with her fists clenched. Also, it is at this moment when I knew that Emily and Ebony are the daughters of Lilith. Reaching my front, she glares ferociously like a bird of prey. I respond back sarcastically by smiling pleasantly.

"Who are you?! And why are you here? Because of you, Emily was awakened all of a sudden." Lilith demands for answers.

"I'm an agent from Team Rocket."

"Wrong answer! I am aware that you belong to Team Rocket. Answer my question with sincerity, if not, you will walk the planks."

"Let me guess? Sky sharks will be eating me?" I chuckle.

"Why you brat?!"

"Fine. My name is Luna Evergreen."

"Luna Evergreen? Wait a minute, you're the agent that my children told me about. Sorry for my previous rant, I become hot-tempered when someone I am not familiar with goes near my children. I'm one of those over-protective mothers" She apologizes with a cool and calm tone. She then leans herself in front of the controllers of her ship.

"So... Luna, right? Why are you here?"

"Nothing much. I was about to blow up your ship in revenge for blowing up our last headquarters in Sevii Islands."

"Oh wait. That was your last headquarters in the archipelago? I had no idea." She utters, somewhat pitiful, and somewhat sarcastic.

"It's not my fault, Team Rocket was the one who started the race against us. The mirages were ours in the first place."

"Well, if it wasn't for your daughter Ebony, we wouldn't be fighting. We were the first to commence a mission to acquire the book in Violet Museum. We were also the first to arrive. I believe what you meant to say is that the mirages are ours." My words did not scare the leader but rather made her chuckle.

She says, "You're hilarious. We could use a girl like you in my organization. I've heard about your leader... This... Giovanni, is he still with the organization?"

"N... no."

"Then why persist to stay? A girl like you can be with us instead. Here in the Rebirth Society, you are reborn. Unlike Giovanni, I, Lilith, will be erasing Johto from existence in order to create a new one."

"And how do you plan to do that?"

"Simple. With the power of Lugia and Ho-Oh, I shall turn every one to dust, except for the worthy, which is no other than the Rebirth Society. I want a world where my children can roam safely, a world where a mother can ensure that they are safe from harm.

I tried to persuade as many people as I could, even my friends. I tried to convince them to join me however, they rejected the offer of salvation. So, sad to say, they'll be perishing when the time comes. As for you, I don't want you to suffer the actions I shall soon bring upon to this region. Join me, and I can call you my own."

"I refuse. Your actions are too absurd, more absurd than Team Rocket's goal. Turning people into dust? Now that seems like a dream that is far to fetch. Thank you for the offer, but it is a no for me." I refuse politely.

"I understand. If I can't encourage you, then I guess, I will have to force you." Lilith says as she presses a button on her control panel. A portion of the room opens, letting the harsh wind enter.

"Think of the opportunity!" Lilith says with the need to shout due to the wind entering the room. With her foot, she slowly pushes my chair to the very edge, threatening to drop me.


"Such a pity, I was about to forgive you after bomb threatening us, but it looks like, this is where we will be parting ways," Lilith smirks in front of me one last time as she pushes me off her ship. I shriek the loudest I could, begging for any help to arrive.

I thought I was to meet death today, instead, I land directly to the roof of Xeryll's helicopter, nearly being chopped by the propellors. She ascends to the level where Lilith's ship is, and winks directly to the Rebirth Society's leader, Lilith. She then leaves Lilith and her fleet.

"I won't forget this, Luna!" Lilith shouts, watching the helicopter moving away from her. She then makes the decision to close the portion for good in order to avoid more wind from entering the room.

As for the two of us, Xeryll descends her helicopter to a hilltop in order o untie my body from the chair. I am both glad and thankful that she was able to save me in a nick of time.

"How did you know I needed help?" I question her, watching her untie my hands.

"I was hiding below their ship the whole time. When I noticed you fall, I boosted the vehicle's speed in order to grab you. Luckily you weren't chopped by the propellers of my vehicle.

Anyways, I think I've had enough with this rogue mission. I'm also longing for a long nap. It's time for us to return to the island."

"I... I failed again." I murmur with a frown.

"Think on the bright side, at least you have the guts to face the leader eye to eye! Come on, let's head back now. I'm extremely tired." She utters, then lets off a deep yawn afterward.

I sigh in return, concurring with the decision of the pilot. She makes a good point and I too, am tired. It has been a pretty long night for me and her. The two of us make our return to the island. She is sleepy, while I am disappointed. Although Xeryll also has a point, I was able to prove how courageous Team Rocket is to infiltrate their invisible ship.

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