
Chapter 5.6 - The Master Spell

Serin had been preparing for this spell since the meeting early winter. It was now the early days of spring. The treasury had been purchasing every single mana crystal from every single monster slain in the dungeon that was not already put into tax. Serin also traded with the merchants in extremely large volumes. The crystals were then ground into magical essence, and sacks and sacks of the powder were prepared. Additionally Serin had purchased from the Adventurer's guild a spell called 'Spell Analysis'. If he input the parameters of the spell at his level it would output the amount of mana he would need to produce the magic. When he first saw how much the Terra Sculpt project would take, he thought it was impossible. It was in the hundreds of thousands of Mana worth of Magical essence.

Additionally, as they had continued to gather that much magical essence into one place, the guards at the wall commented that they were beginning to spot creatures attempting to penetrate their defenses. It seemed that the monsters could sense that much gathered essence and it was attracting them in large amounts.

Thankfully, the gatehouse was staffed well enough that any creatures that attempted to scale the wall were quickly dispatched.

It was the first rays of spring when Serin cast his Spell.

He travelled to the top of the highest mountain north of town, where the dragon's den was located and where Josef Blomst was working on the King of the Mountain Project. This would serve as the centerpoint of the three regions. Serin's only job was to mirror the terrain of their capital region into the 2nd and third regions. Master Tyber had already set up the place where they would be creating the artificial gates to the elemental plane of water. This would feed the Foundry's Locking Dam system, as well as provide water to the intricate biosphere designs that were put in place for the other region.

Serin was ready. The Town had come to the mountain to watch this grand spell in the making. Serin had memorized the design of the first ridge, and with that, Serin began to cast.

Like painting a brush against the lang with his mind, used one hand to sculpt while the other was in the large basin of magical essence. As the basin began to lower, a few homunculi were stationed to pass bags of the essence and keep pouring it in.

The amount of power coursing through Serin was amazing. It was addictive. The magic was so much the normally light blue markings swirled in cerulean and shined with a bright light of their own. Serin was sure that under any other circumstances, casting such a magnificent spell would have killed him many times over, but for now he pulled all of the mana from the collected essence.

It was two full days of casting. Serin never stopped the spell. Serin even made sure to use the Terrasculpt to construct outer and inner walls for the gatehouses, as well as run the many layers of dams for the Foundry Region. Serin also ran the numerous aqueducts of the Biosphere region. As the last bag of magical essence was poured in, Serin made markings for the various tunnels that would be dug on both sides when the regions were fully claimed. Then as the last bag emptied Serin watched as his own large pool of mana rapidly depleted. Serin stopped the spell with very little mana to spare.

Serin then looked, and thanks to casting such a high level spell for so long, his Terramancy Skill had jumped up from Intermediate:44 to Master: 87. Additionally His willpower had jumped since that was the parent Stat for Terramancy. It had a trickle effect as the increased skill caused his level to increase quite a bit.

Serin had tried to avoid looking at his own status for quite some time, but now it seemed that he was being forced.


Serin Level: 118 Class: Boundless

Race: Higher Human


Adventurer's Guild – Iron Member

Unnamed City State - Sovereign (Autocracy)

Protectorate - Sovereign

Bonded to:

Olma - Changeling


Strength: 158(+)

Agility: 260(+)

Endurance: 266(+)

Intelligence: 472(+)

Willpower: 340(+)

Charisma: 140(+)

Luck: 286(+)

Points to assign: 245

Serin had been level 98 prior to casting. And He did not want to review his entire list of spells and skills. He had too many to use, and definitely too many to develop repeatable strategies. Other than his few combat skills he has practiced with, he still hadn't even cast many of the spells he had learned. Serin was also hesitant to grow too quickly, as the last time he spiked his intelligence, it nearly killed him, So this time he had kept all of his points ready to assign to all of his other traits.

Serin changed his focus, as he could hear cheering from all around. Serin looked from the top of the mountain, and he had done it. With the peak he stood on as the center, two other regions mirrored their capital. Serin smiled, as these would be his future areas.

With that, the sun was beginning to set on the third day. Serin headed down from the mountain towards home. He could hear singing starting to fill the hall, and it brought warmth to his heart.


'Just in time it seems'. Jackal was well paid for his work. 'And I am worth every penny.' He said. Jackal had spent the better part of 3 days scaling the mountain. It wasn't that he was slow, its just that as he would climb up, armed sentries would be placed shortly before he arrived. Dozens of workers steady as can be put up these sentry huts, just in sight of each other and close enough that there were no gaps. But luckily Jackal had found a single break in security, near the highest peak there was a small gap, but it was soon closing. Jackal smiled. He would embed himself in the town as he usually did, then execute his plan to cause the city to crumble. Although he considered himself an artist, most would refer to him as Jackal the Saboteur.


Good Afternoon Readers! (Or good Mornign to my fellow citizens of the Americas; Or good evening to my friends in East Asia)

It was a rather rough day at work. This is my last saved chapter, so you are all caught up with my writing. It might take a few days for me to get some more chapters out as we are being shipped back to the United States within 48 hours.

I want to reiterate that you, my dear readers, make this story possible. you bring to life the residents of the (still unnamed) town, and with your efforts you have made my writings reality. So thank you.

As always friends,

Stay Boundless.

Srinlifecreators' thoughts
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