
Chapter 207: That Is On You

Khloe stepped into the aisle and ran for the door. Behind her, she could hear everyone laughing. As soon as she was in the foyer, she went directly to Jane and slapped her hard across the face. "This is your entire fault!" she shouted. You let me sit in the wrong place! You embarrassed me on purpose! Everything that happened is your fault!"

"Fuck that noise," Jane shouted. "I am sick and tired of you bullying me and forcing me to take the blame for your faults. I have always given you sound advice, but you never take it. That is on you!"

People were looking at them, but Jane didn't care. She had reached the end of her rope.

Khloe quickly yelled, "Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

One of the guards picked up his radio and said, "Code White. We have a Code White in the foyer. I need extra security. I need someone to call the Mobile Mental Health Crisis Unit. If this escalates, we may use restraints until they arrive."

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