

So. I began watching, while desiring for some popcorn and cola. Ahh, that is a downside of this body. No food, no sense of taste...

Back to observing.

As I was looking at the ship, it reminded of something, but I could not remember what. It was looking kind of strange, it looked like three 'sausages' laying in pyramid shape. Higher sausage-tube's front had a lot of glass in dome shape with some old style control panel, looking like from 1950-1970.

On the side of it, it had an opening with door opening outside creating a path to get in. This ship was pretty sizable, each 'sausage' was around seven to ten meters in height and width, in length it was around thirty to forty meters. It is hard to say certain sizes without measuring it.

In result its total height was around fifteen meters at most.

It looked like it was moving with some kind of rocket engine. It had two outputs on two lower 'sausages' and on the higher one, it look like it have a turret installed with big shooting angle.

Hull, from outside looked like a lot of metal plates connected to something behind them using bolts or something like that. It looks like ship is made to live long, as everything looks sturdy, and even after crushing only fronts of two bottom parts are damaged.

And it seems that two people are repairing it at the moment, also by the looks of it they seem to be father and son, as they resemble each other.

Watching them repair ship and talk make me feel strange, like I saw that style of ships somewhere before. But where?

Also it seems that I can understand what they are talking about, is this the result of me being a probe?

After watching them repair for some time, I decided to order to move one of the cameras inside the ship and look at what they have inside.

As their radius is only ten meters, I ordered others to move cameras too, one more to the inside and other three - around ship, so I will be able to see inside and outside if the ship.

As I waited, they finally received my order and scene began to move. I saw that right after passing the door, they have some kind of garage and storeroom at the same time. There are one truck, and two cars that look like they are made to travel through harsh terrain. With extremely thick carcass and no wheels, only some kind of disks that are at 45 degrees angle to the floor.

On the sides of the garage, there are a lot of closed boxes of different kind. but they don't look like they are made of wood or plastic. Material resemble metal that began to rust.

Passing this garage, I saw pretty big open doorway, that is around two and half oto three meters high and the same with width. After bypassing it, I continued exploring.

After looking through the ship, and after finding one more person, I saw droid. And it definitely resembles R2-D2 from the famous series. From Star Wars. Oh fuck.

Now I know what world we are in. And it is not safe one. This family even had weapons all the time with them.

Force users, spaceships that could just destroy anything on the planet that have no defense, Empire that have absolute control over many planets. And much much more that I have no idea about. Not including that in the films, I am sure of that, nothing was shown in adequate scale.

And hardest thing is - I remember almost nothing about this universe, but know that jedi and sith can feel some stuff through force. I hope they don't know about me.

I don't want to butt in that huge war.

But, to be safe I need to have army. Army of spaceships, because alone, no matter how strong, it would be impossible to fight someone you can't get to.

Oughh. The most important thing now, is to talk to them and try to understand what time is it. And after this, I need to find a way to get vespene. Asap. I need those freaking spaceships.

After this I decided that I don't have a luxury to care about nature too much, I wanted to make more drones to replant trees that were cut, but now it seems that I can't do this. I need more resources. This place is not safe.

Thus I ordered to create more pylons and doubled the amount of probes. Now, after two days I have income of one million minerals per day.


: [ Tree's price decreased. now it is 0.8 minerals per one cubic meter of trees. ]

Announcement appeared onside trading tab.

Ouf the time has come, huh.

But still, now I just need more probes.

After all this, I decided to call Fenix and talk with him about visiting those people.

Fenix tried to tell, that it is dangerous, but after my explanation about the world we are in, we agreed on meeting them.

And I will act as droid, as it will not make me their target. And Fenix will wear his battle gear hidden under the cloak.

As i did not want him bad cloak, I bough him sturdy one, black with some white trimming.

Also, We decided to go in the morning, as they seem to have gone to sleep inside their ship.

Before coming to their ship, I decided to look if there is anything I can do to make our meeting them safer for me.

I decided to get upgraded a little more, and buy them food. Yes, I can buy food.

But I don't need food, neither any if the protoss. How do they live?

-[Acceleration ]: lvl 99 | 5k * 99 = 495k

-[Maximum Speed]: lvl 99 | 5k * 99 =495k

-[Max Hovering Angle]: lvl 99 | 10k * 99 =990k

ouf. That took almost all my minerals. But now, I am fast as duck (f)!! yahoooow.

I began whooshinng and making other flying sounds while going at max speed around the nexus. Wouh. I am fast!! yahahaha!!

"ghm. " {F}


I heard the sound of Fenix's voice...

"Did I say it out loud?" I said with troubled voice.

"Yes" He replied with serious voice.

" It is time for us to go." {F}


``` Author's note ```

`` 50 +- words ``

Hello, thank you for reading, and enjoy if you can.

Hi there. That is a small chapter, because I wanted to release earlier then usual. Next one will be like usual.

Also tell me if my descriptions are good or bad and what I need to look for.

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