
The First Day of School

[Author's Note- The school system here includes a total of seven semesters in high school. 2-7 semesters are the real high school term, and the first one is considered a practice. So here it's the second semester starting(which should be first in general). So whenever Das mentions semesters consider it +1. More explanation will be on the discord server] 

'It's fine'

"It's fine'

'Just ignore them'

'Close your eyes'

'Don't make eye contact with them'

'Cover your ears'

'Don't listen to them'

It's fine'

'It's fine'

Das was walking in the hallway of the school. Trying his best to keep himself calm.

'It's fine'

'It's fine'

Das entered the classroom, and everyone looked at him.

Ignoring all of their gazes, Das walked to his desk; which was at the last at the window side, and sat on it.

He opened the zipper of his bag and took out his laptop.

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