

I don't know what's going on.

I don't even remember how I got here.

I feel like I have always been here.

What is this voice I am hearing?

Why this voice seems so familiar yet I want to run away from it?

Why is this all happening?

I never asked for this.

All I want to get strong. Strong enough to protect my loved ones.

So why is this happening to me?


"Yes, dammit! Keep saying that. All you can do is say Dammit"

Shut up!

"Daulla will kill herself in 30 seconds. And Lily is already dying as we are talking here"


Stop it!

What do you want me to do?

What can I do, dammit!

Even if I had power, I couldn't...I wouldn't be able to protect them.

It's good that I died early, at least I won't have to see them die. 

"Who told you won't see them dying?"


"I will show you everything"

A bright light flashed, and I saw Daulla in front of me.

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