
An Old Lady


[This is what happens when you jump like a monkey]

"You are not helping"

I am currently in the park, laughing at my foolishness. 

When more men came, I fought with them. The fight took longer than I thought.

They didn't die when I pierced their chests.

As Lily said, they were different.

So, as I was fighting with them, jumping on the metal slabs. One of the slabs had blood on it, and because of that, I slipped and ended up hitting the below slab. 

After I killed them all, I tangled up all their bodies with each other, and hanged them in a way that it looked like [F. U. C. K. U].

This was to taunt whoever tried to attack mom. 

I tried to track the number which I got that message from, but Lily said such a number doesn't exist.

My hands and clothes are red with blood. I washed the blood from my hands in the park but...

"What do I do with these blood-stained clothes?"

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