
It's Bigger Than The Last Time

"So that girl is only a maid?" Elena asked, getting on top of me.

"She is a very important person to me"

"So you like her?"

"Umm...it's complicated to explain, but in simple words, yes. I do like her"

"If you go with this pace, then you will get one girl per week"

"What will you do if I get lots of them?"

"I won't allow it. The maximum limit is...how many do you have right now?"

"You, Lier, Lily and Serah"

"What about Selena?"

"No thanks"

"So four girls, huh?"

"Did I miss anyone?"

"You will get some more, right?"

"Are you asking or confirming?"



"I don't know. It's not like I chose them"

"That's true but..."

"Don't worry. I will tell you everything"

She kissed me and said, "I know."

"What about Ricky and Rikka? Did you meet them?"

"I did"

"What did they say?"

"They were talking very formally"

"Is that so?"

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