
I Still Remember You

"Do you really want to know about my hometown?". Mayleen asked glancing at Jeha. Just then, the sun that was almost setting down greeted Mayleen's smooth white face, which looked flushed and enchanting, Jeha felt enchanted by the beauty in front of him.

Mayleen's heart flared up when she saw Jeha's gentle smiling gaze met her gaze.

Not long after, Mayleen hurriedly looked away from Jeha.

why is my breath like this ?, I feel like my heart is going to explode, help me !. Jeha's mind after struggling to draw his gaze awkwardly.

For a moment the two humans were silent with their own feelings. Mayleen's cheeks flushed while turning her back to Jeha and Jeha was busy controlling his heartbeat by taking repeated breaths.

I feel like I'm going crazy. Inner Jeha.

Not long after that Jeha turned to look at Mayleen. "Ummm, Aaaa ... I want to hear about your city". Jeha said nervously.

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