

It was the first time in a while that I woke up in 'our' bedroom's bed, looking at the face of Brittney who was still asleep, I held my breath and just studied it.

She was so beautiful and her features were so gentle, and the idea of her making that mad expression like the one she had yesterday was almost impossible to imagine, she just didn't have that air about her at all, that can be the reason for why when I told some of our mutual friends about how she was treating me at first when it all started, none of them believed me, and some of them even hinted that I might be thinking too much into it, and that fights were bound to happen in relationships.

I understood what they meant, there was just so much of a difference between how she showed herself to others, and how she was when she gets mad.

That made me wonder if I was just overthinking, after all, she was my first girlfriend and I was still inexperienced in those things.

Also, being a lesbian in her first experience, I wasn't really that open to talk about my life with my family, especially when they weren't that accepting of me coming out in the first place.

Later on, my mom started calling more and asking about me and how I was doing when I started living with Brittney, it seemed as if she was starting to accept my true self, which made me way too happy, unfortunately, that didn't last long.

Soon after that Brittney started showing how much of a jealous person she was, and she started demanding of me to cut my contact with some of my close friends, when I didn't do that, she used to say that I was unfaithful, that I was cheating on her and all of that, of course being in my first relationship, with the first taste of love and care, I wanted to be the perfect lover for Brittney, who for me, was the perfect lover, so I started panicking at the thought of hurting her and a misunderstanding arising between us, so I started lowering the contact with my friends till I cut it entirely in the end.

Some of my friends had a good relationship with my mom and told her about how I was acting, which made my mom get worried about me.

So in our phone calls she started asking about how I was doing with Brittney and if she was being good to me, I didn't find it weird because it was a normal thing to talk about, and I even told Brittney about it, and then it started...

Brittney told me that my mom didn't want us to be together, that she didn't accept who I really was and that she was trying to separate us from one another, I didn't believe that, it was my mom I knew her, and she was accepting of me.

But Brittney planted that thought in my mind, and I started noticing that mom was really asking more and more about me and Brittney and hinting that something might be wrong, and if there really was something wrong I should leave her and that love can be found again.

I was shocked and hurt, how can my mom who I trusted so much, and thought that she was someone who would stand and understand me no matter what I did, try to separate me from my love just because she was a girl.

I felt betrayed and hurt, and I started answering her calls less and less.

I remember that in that period, Brittney was such an understanding person, she would hug me, console me, and comfort me, I felt safe with her, like being held between her arms was the safest place in the world.

Remembering that time and what happened yesterday and in many times like that, I got confused again.

Shaking my head and getting up because it was almost time for me to go to work, I stood up, had a bath and changed before leaving the house, as I did, Brittney was still asleep.

While on my way to work I thought about yesterday, Judy's interest in me was obvious, and I knew that I started having some feelings for her, which made me panic, that only got worst after what Brittney said, that I was unfaithful.

So for the best of all the three of us, I decided that I would limit my contact with her, she and I worked in different shifts so it wasn't going to be a hard thing to do.

My heart did hurt a bit by thinking about that, but it was the right thing to do, I needed to be faithful to Brittney, she deserved that from me.

Also, I was going to make our relationship work, she was my true love and I even fought with my family for her, I needed to make our relationship work and show my mom that she truly loves me and that I didn't make the wrong choice.

Feelings need time to grow and bloom, without time and contact even if I had feelings for Judy, I would forget them and they would eventually wither.

I also had another thought in my mind, another reason for what I was doing...

With those thoughts in my mind, I entered the jewellery shop, and on the door, I froze.

Standing there, right in front of me, was Judy, she was talking to the manager who had her back towards me.

The manager, probably seeing Judy look behind her and smile, turned and saw me standing there frozen.

"Oh, Sam, you're finally here, come, I have something to tell you." The manager said while putting her hand on Judy's shoulder.

Moving toward her with a confused questioning face, the manager smiled and said while patting Judy on her shoulder:

"Alex decided that the evening shift is going to be better for her, she said that she's not having enough sleep those days, I usually wouldn't accept such permanent change like this, but because Judy had asked me before to change her shift, I accepted it as an exception."

After finishing her words she looked at Judy than at me, before saying with a smile:

"You two are now shiftmates, treat each other well."

So while standing there with a frozen expression, looking at Judy who had a blinding smile, I watched as all my plans got destroyed...

Poor Sam, the universe seems to be going against her, or is it....

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