

"What are you doing? Where are you taking me? Let me go!" Rainmist frantically said as she was being carried like a sack of potatoes on Spring-Autumn's shoulder.

Spring-Autumn stopped by a nearby cave and placed Rainmist down. Unlike himself who was under the protection of his cloak, Rainmist was drenched. Her soaked figure had her clothes cling tightly onto her figure, revealing her hot body.

"I was expecting a different reaction," Spring-Autumn said and changed the pitch of his voice to a higher one, "Oh my god! I didn't know you were still alive!"

His voice returned back to normal, "Or something like that."

To Spring-Autumn's surprise, Rainmist only cried in response to his words. Such an image was truly unfitting for a mother of a grown child. However, as a beautiful person, all her actions would be pleasing to the eyes.

He stood in front of her and waited for her to finish. He waited for her to vent her emotions. Outside, the rain continued to pour.

Such a refreshing rain was truly wasted when accompanied by a crying person. In the end, the rain stopped and the sunlight began to leak through the gloomy clouds.

"Are you okay now?" Spring-Autumn sat and asked. "What do you think your fate would've been if you stayed inside there?"

"You're just biased because they kicked you out…" Rainmist sulked. From her words, it was obvious that she was joking.


Spring-Autumn dug his hand into his cloak and threw out a towel.

"Dry yourself. It would be bad if you were to get sick,"

Rainmist didn't say anything to gesture. She picked up the towel and began to dry herself. The look in her eyes was enough to express her gratitude.

The little episode came to a somewhat good ending.

The rest of the trip, Spring-Autumn quickly brought Rainmist back to the city through repeated use of [Bullet Time].

In all honesty, he did not know what the limits of his power were. It was something for him to test later when he was in a safe place. When he was in [Bullet Time], he would use it just to finish his goal and not keep it on for too long of a time. This was because he would have a feeling of unease the longer he had it on.

Spring-Autumn took Rainmist by the waist and quickly shuffled through the forest. The night was approaching and danger would come. It was debatable between the safeness of Hope City and the forest. Spring-Autumn felt more comfort around man-made structures so he opted for the city.

Objectively, Rainmist was much better looking than Blue. Her body was mature and curvy, leaking of sex appeal. As a young adult, Spring-Autumn found it difficult to suppress his body's natural reaction. It would be a lie to say that Spring-Autumn didn't have any ulterior motives in bringing Rainmist with him. The sense of familiarity with them was only one of the factors.

A wise man had once said that a woman's heart was most vulnerable when broken.

Spring-Autumn was just in the right place at the right time. Although, it would not be impossible for Rainmist to hate him for forcefully kidnapping her. Fortunately, it did not seem like that was the case. Of course, it is certain that Rainmist would still hold some negative views of him. However, as long as it was not the extent of hatred, it would be something redeemable.

"You're not going to suffer from rejection are you?" Rainmist frowned and asked when they finally arrived at their destination. She was referring to the ability rejection that she had seen many people tragically suffered from in the underground base. If Spring-Autumn suffered from ability rejection outside, she would be beyond dead meat.

She had seen Spring-Autumn repeatedly use his ability power. She did not know what kind of ability it was since everything just seemed to go really fast but even a child would be able to tell that it was the product of using an ability.

"As long as I don't get it, I don't care," Spring-Autumn chuckled and said.

"I don't think that's how it works…"

Spring-Autumn brought Rainmist to the commercial district as it was cleared of monsters. They had arrived just in time before the darkness fell.

There was an obvious look of fear on Rainmist's face. "It would really be your fault if I die now,"

"They don't call me immortal for no reason."

"Who's they?"


"I'm immortal,"

There was natural chemistry between them that allowed Spring-Autumn to spew as much bullshit as he wanted.

Now that they were in a somewhat safe place, Spring-Autumn could finally enjoy the soft and tender feeling in his palm.

"Mhmm, much softer." Spring-Autumn compared it with his vague memory of Blue's slim waist.

Rainmist didn't know what Spring-Autumn was talking about but gave him a glare anyway. As a mature woman who lived many years more than the man in front of her, she naturally had her own pride.

They arrived at the big mall that Spring-Autumn looted.

It was convenient that not only was this place cleaned of monsters by the survivor group that was lingering around here somewhere, it was also stocked full of convenient items.

With that in mind, Spring-Autumn calmly told Rainmist to make a list of essentials she would need. As a sentient person, she asked back about the purpose of getting these items but Spring-Autumn decided to tell her about his plan of going home later.

He had to get her to calm down about the fact that he kidnapped her out of the underground base first.

Daily chapter

Extra tired today so I'll move today's extra chapter to tomorrow. Hope ya'll don't mind.

TentacleEthicscreators' thoughts
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