
The Three Mysterious Men

Li Ming got what she wanted. Ruoshan was taken back with the sudden happening and his hold on her loosened due to his shock.

Li Ming was also in shock but she hurriedly collected herself and entered the room before Ruoshan could stop her.

She was still under the invisibility spell, so the people inside the room didn't notice her.

The spell that she casted on the five people inside the room was the most important part of her plan. The spell was overflowing with a very high percentage of compulsion.

The spell would manipulate their minds and plant new information there.

After making sure that none of them remembered her face, she went into the other three rooms.

There were also children inside those rooms probably brought from different cities and villages of the Empire.

She put them under a sleeping spell and teleported them inside the mansion. After that she planted new puppet children in their places.

Only a last task was left. She waited for the five of them (the woman and the four men) to come out of the room.

All this time she didn't say a single word to Ruoshan who was standing beside her but was also silent. Somehow his torn clothes were back to their previous glory.

After an hour or so, the woman finally appeared out of the shop. Li Ming silently followed her to the largest inn of the market.

The moment Li Ming entered the inn, she wanted to fled from there. The place was filled with a strong smell of some kind of aphrodisiac drug.

Li Ming silently rushed through the entire inn to find those she was actually looking for. After a long search, she finally opened the last room of the inn.

There, in the worst condition possible, were three men. All of them were unconscious due to all the beatings and torture.

Li Ming pulled the three of them inside the mansion, the exact moment the door of the room opened and three maids entered the room.

The shock and fear was clear on their faces as they found the room completely empty. The three of them hurriedly left the room to tell whoever was the incharge.

Li Ming teleported back to the previous inn where the children were locked. She entered the first room and stood with the puppets children.

She was wearing dark black clothes. Her hair were held back in a high ponytail. A mask covered her mouth and a cloak was draped over her entire body, hiding her eyes.

She looked taller than usual as she was in high heel boots. She was extremely covered and there was nothing that could give away her identity.

Just a few minutes later, two of the men opened the door of the room. But their eyes met a black silhouette who suddenly disappeared in the thin air. But the worse thing was that he also took the children with him.

One of the man ran towards the second room and burst through the door but again the same thing happened. Another silhouette in red, disappeared in the thin air with the children.

By now, all the four men were rushing downstairs towards the third room but again they met with the same scene and this time it was a silhouette in pure white.

The entire inn was suddenly empty except the four men who were startled beyond words.

Li Ming didn't wait any longer and teleported back to the orphanage. An evil smile blooming in her shinning eyes.

After assuring the Old couple that everything was fine, she asked them to prepare bath and a lot of food.

She stood in the front garden and poured her powers, with a very strong spell towards the top floor of the orphanage. The very next second, another floor got added to the orphanage and now it had three stories rather than two.

After making sure that there were enough rooms for everyone, she entered the mansion.

She needed to check on the children and also the three men needed immediate medical attention.

But the moment she entered the mansion, she was met up with another problem.

At the moment, Li Ming's back was against a wall as she was caged by the man whose eyes were shining bright purple at the moment.

"Why did you do that? Do you love to test my patience?" His voice was so low and husky against her ear. His hot breath on her nape was sending cold shivers down her back.

"I.....I...!" Li Ming tried to voice out her words but looked like they were stuck in her throat.

"You what....?" His voice was strict and demanding.

"I didn't mean that!" Li Ming finally squeaked out those five words.

"You better should pay attention from now on. If you tried to go against my words next time in such a situation, I'll not let you go so easily!" Ruoshan said in a commanding voice and then left her standing there in confusion.

Since Li Ming couldn't see his face, that's why she didn't noticed his smile.

"Wait! Is he not talking about me ruining his clothes...??" Li Ming scratched her head in confusion. She shook her head and decided to focus on more important matters at the moment.

She brought all the children out of the mansion and with the help of the Old Mo and Madam, who looked terrified after seeing almost two dozen children, placed them inside the new rooms. Each room had at least four beds.

With her magic she cleaned all of them from the weeks of dirt and grime. Then she started healing those who were injured. The three brothers took the most time as their situation was the worst out of all of them.

After all of them were physically stable, Li Ming finally removed the sleeping spell from them. The children were terrified to find themselves in a complete new place.

Li Ming left the Old couple to deal with that. She could already feel a migraine coming over. She's in no condition to deal with a bunch of panicked children.

It took nearly half an hour before everyone entered the dining room. Although the new children were now looking more relaxed but they were still on edge.

Everyone settled down to eat lunch. Li Ming had to change the dinning area since there were more people.

Everyone started eating and the room was completely silent other than the noises of cutlery and dishes being passed around.

Li Ming noticed that the three brothers were the most silent among all of them. They didn't even speak a single word throughout the lunch.

After thinking for a while, Li Ming finally decided to give the new comers a few days to settle before deciding to add them in the curriculum of the orphanage.

She specifically instructed Old Mo, Madam and the previous children of the orphanage to try and make the others feel better.

Li Ming finally felt a little relief as she saw the group of children playing in the garden with the butterflies.

Although she still had a fight to win but at least she had given a hard time to the Prime Minister Zhu for the time being.

On the other hand, the whole underground market of Xi Qiu City was in uproar. The new batch of children that were brought last night and the three brothers from the Prime Minister manor disappeared suddenly.

Even after searching the whole Xi Qiu City, they were unable to find out a single clue. Due to the fear of attracting too much attention, they stopped their search.

Prime Minister Zhu was going insane in anger. It was the first time when something like this had happened. He ordered his personal shadow guard to continue the search.

The search was for - THE THREE MYSTERIOUS MEN !!

Although Li Ming was happy when she find out about the Prime Minister Zhu's condition but little did she knew that the coming day would bring too many problems for her and her headache was only going to increase!!

Hii loves!

Here's the new chapter.

Hope you all are doing good.

Thank you for your support and I hope you will enjoy the chapter.

Till the next time..... :)

Nightsummer20creators' thoughts
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