
24: Adrien's Cat

Marinette decided to finally walk back to the laboratory. Her absence made her feel guilty thinking it had been unfair to leave the two in finishing up something she started. Alya leaving early might annoy them both but she thought Nino could handle that at the very least.

"Huh? Where's Nino?" she said looking around the room from the door only finding an Adrien sitting calmly by the glass panes.

"We finished everything already so Nino went ahead." said Adrien shrugging his shoulders.

Mari slowly stepped in tiptoeing around being extra careful knowing they're alone, "Then, why are you still here?" she bashfully replied.

Adrien smirks, "I waited for you."

She felt her heart jump, "W-Why would you wait for me?"

"Because you said you'll be back. It would be sad if you came back to an empty room." he replied innocently.

Mari then wanted to punch herself for being overthinking. Of course, Adrien wasn't waiting for her. He's just too kind that he pays attention to what people say. She awkwardly laughs at herself. But as she felt embarrassed, she remembers the fact that had been revealed to her lately. The fact that Adrien and Chat Noir are one and the same jars her, making her stare at the gorgeous blonde basking underneath the afternoon light.

"You're awfully silent. Something on your mind?" he said jumping off the countertop he was sitting on.

Marinette stutters, "Ah no...it's just..." she strongly looks away, "I just thought the the the the afternoon you was really nice. I-I-I mean, the afternoon sun. The sun looks nice! Haha." then regrets the none sense she just said.

Adrien leans in examining her face as the girl desperately tries to calm her nerves when the boy suddenly closed in on her.

"W-What?" she stutters.

Adrien pulls away sighing in relief.

"Is something wrong?" Mari said softly looking stunned.

Adrien chuckles, "Sorry, did that make you uncomfortable?"

She shakes her head, "You surprised me."

"Good." he grins, "I got worried your usual bashfulness towards me had changed its course."

Mari fell silent as she tried to replay in her head what he had said before holding in her scream and turning into a tomato.

"B-Bashfulness?? Changing course??" the fuse in her brain exhausted itself trying to interpret those words in the most unassuming way possible, yet there's still one explanation in which her heart does not approve of.

"You were acting all cute when Luka was here," he pouted, "He'll even go his way and pick you up tomorrow and both of you will be spending more time writing that song of his."

Mari's internal screaming got louder. Adrien is acting spoiled in front of her right now but her brain hasn't caught up to reality. Even Plagg who's secretly listening inside her pouch cringed trying to understand why Adrien is acting sappy.

Mari let out a small laugh, "A-Adrien, it seems that you're not yourself. Are you okay?"

The boy blinked then smiled to himself whispering, "Of course. You're not going to understand me now since I've always pushed you away saying you're just a friend."

"Eh? Adrien? Sorry, I didn't hear that." Mari smiled sheepishly.

He smiled, "You're right, I am not myself right now." he replied weakly.

"What happened? Can I help?" She comes closer to him sitting at one of the stools near him.

His eyes looked sad, "I lost my cat."

"You have a cat?" She exclaimed.

Adrien laughs, "Always the tone of surprise? I don't seem like a cat person am I?"

Plagg then kicks her from the pouch making her wince and remember how Chat Noir mentioned him having a cat as well. She gasped for dear life surprising Adrien.

"What? Is it really that surprising?"

"No no no that's not it!" she said flailing her hands nervously, "I somehow...did think you were into cats." <Since you're a cat yourself.>

He giggles, "But here's the catch."

"What's the catch?"

"You're the first person I've told you about this." he winks, "So keep it a secret, okay?"

"The first person? What about Kagami?"

"Nope, never told her."

And that was when she realized how her feelings towards him were never gone. If anything, it might have gotten stronger. Marinette wanted to jump off a building with her untamable feelings. She couldn't help but be engaged with his beautiful eyes and his bright smile. Everything about him was just so perfect. They aren't able to talk this much unless he's Chat Noir visiting her at her rooftop. She never realized how talking with Chat had the same calming feeling when she's with Adrien only that her real calm with Adrien is frequently masked with her bashfulness that she tends to forget how to be herself in front of him. Now that she knows Chat had always been this close to her, she feels relieved knowing her best friend is someone she admired for a very long time. All that's left with her is the fear that Adrien might not accept the girl behind the Ladybug mask.

"Marinette, are you okay?"

"Huh?" she catches herself staring at him.

"You've been quiet and your eyes looked like you were drawn in your thoughts. Are you feeling sleepy?"

"Sleepy? Pfff no!" she stands up and suddenly made floor lunges that made Adrien burst into laughter.

"You really never cease to amaze me." he tries to hold back.

Mari giggles, "It's getting late, we better leave." she said pulling up her backpack that was on the table, slipping it into her arms.

"Yeah, we should." he smiled hanging his bag on his shoulder.

The two walked out of the room with Marinette making sure to lock the lab as they got out. Adrien walked Marinette to the faculty as she puts back the laboratory keys on the shelf leaving a note of her name and the time the keys were returned.

"I was wondering," Mari breaks the silence.


"What does your cat look like?"

Adrien giggles, "You were still thinking about that? Let's see," he dives into his thoughts, "A small black cat." he said making Marinette snicker to herself.

"Why am I not suprised?" she replied imagining how the cat possibly acts like Chat Noir all the time. "But isn't it hard tending to a cat? Cats have various food choices after all."

"On the contrary my cat is easier to feed than the usual cats." said Adrien, proudly.

"Oh really? And why is that Mr. Agreste?" she playfully teased.

"Because Ms. Dupain-Cheng, my cat only eats cheese."

Marinette froze, her feet cemented on the ground. Adrien turns around realizing Mari was lagging behind.

"What's wrong?" he walked back.

"Adrien." her voice almost a whisper.

"Hm?" he stopped a few inches before her.

"Does your father know about your cat?"

"Oh no, he doesn't. You see, I adopted him when he accidentally snuck into my bag one day. It's a real shame he hasn't come back since last night."

Marinette then recalls Master Fu telling her how he managed to sneak in Tikki into her bag. She hummed trying to grow a smile from missing her kwami.

"Marinette, is something wrong?"

She laughed, "Oh no it's nothing, it's just I was curious of your cat. I guess having a secret pet is thrilling."

Adrien grinned, "You should have one too!"

Mari felt her chest tighten remebering Tikki, "I had one." she holds on to her forearm, "But she's lost her way back."

"That's sad." he looked down, "Then I guess we're on the same boat." he smiles trying to make the girl feel she's not alone.

Mari smiles back.

Adrien and Marinette reaches the school's entrance feeling closer than ever. Adrien realizing his feelings and Marinette knowing his identity made the gap between them smaller. The red string is slowly being untangled and soon enough the seasons will change.

The gorilla was already waiting downstairs standing beside the car's trunk making his usual grumpy face that made the two snicker.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" he turned to Marinette.

Mari nodded happily and watched the boy go down the steps.

"Adrien, wait!" she surprised herself for acting on an impulse.

The boy turned snapping his neck, "Yes?"

Panic almost got to her again but grace was on her side this time as she was able to pull herself together and run to him to speak her mind.

"I'll try helping you look for THAT." she emphasizes knowing it's a secret, "Can you tell me its name so I could search for him?" she shyly whispers.

Adrien giggles, "You ran to me just for that?"

She pouts, "Oh come on, you were looking so sad earlier! I did my best!―"


Mari's eyes widened, her heart sinking to her feet, "Huh?"

He smiled with such gentle eyes,

"My cat's name is Plagg."

OKAY. You know what's hard? I'm the one writing this and yet I fall harder each time I write their interactions. Yes Adrien mah boi I feel you. It's just sad that because she's been labeled as a friend for so many times that his small advances come off as his way of being extra friendly towards her. How oblivious can you get?

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ლ(´ڡ`ლ) starting to get hungry.

Next ❔ chapter, Marinette goes on a hunt!

Mai_Lunacreators' thoughts
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