
16: Chatton

Marinette was busy pondering. She was on her desk tapping her fingers as she waits for her kwami to bring her Plagg. She was expecting Tikki anytime soon but was not expecting the next thing that happened. There she saw Chat Noir hung upside down tapping on the glass from above waving at her. Furiously disappointed, she immedately went up to the sunroof opening the glass pane.

"What are you doing here?" she whispered strongly. "The sun had just set! What if people saw you?"

Chat pulls her up to his side. Marinette immediately pulls away realizing she was being held by him without her permission. She had too much skinship for the day and would rather not be near any guys right now.

"What do you want Chatton?"

"I just came to see you, Princess." he smirked.

Unamused she said, "Well yes, it's been a while since you visited. So what news do you bring this time? Any new adventures with Ladybug?"

"As a matter of fact, I do." he said crossing his arms proudly.

Might as well humor the cat for now. She thought.

"Why don't we sit down and talk about it?" she said sitting on the folding chair underneath the parasol. She taps on the other chair parallel to hers and Chat immediately sat down.

"Well then, shall we hear it?" she asked.

Chat Noir grinned and started to narrate what has been going on with his life lately. He focused on his life as a superhero narrating how he's been patrolling with Ladybug late at night and how he's happy he got to spend time with her again. And then Chat slowed down. He started talking about his other self which wasn't his superhero life. He looked confused and worried talking about how his feelings are in knots about this girl in his class. He said he was afraid that he might have started to catch feelings.

"What's so wrong with catching feelings? Isn't that a normal response when you're attracted to someone?" Marinette shrugs.

"It would have been normal if I was not taken."

Marinette gasped remembering how Chat has a girlfriend.

"Shocking huh?" he chuckled.

Being the same person as Ladybug she already knew of Chat's affairs, so she decided to play it cool as Marinette pretending it was her first time hearing of it.

"No way!" she said emphasizing her tone of surprise.

"Yeah, but then I don't know what to do. She's my first and I don't want to disappoint her."

Marinette realizes she wasn't the only one struggling in love. She too was confused of how to deal with her feelings for Adrien. And with the boy pulling a stunt like that earlier, her heart is a mess.

"Why is it that whenever we get a chance to talk, we both have the same problem?" Marinette lets out a small laugh.

"Really? You too?" Chat's face brightened.

Mari nodded, "Yeah. I mean, a boy at school confuses me too. I know he likes somebody else and yet he goes and hugs me like it's the right thing to do." she smiled sheepishly, "What's worse is that...it did feel like it was the most right thing to happen."

Chat couldn't stop staring at Marinette. His eyes glued to her blue eyes popping against her milky white skin. He feels guilty hearing all this behind the mask, but at the same time he feels happier knowing Marinette feels the same confusion as he does.

"I guess we're just both too clumsy at love." he smiled.

She smiled back looking at those eyes tinted behind the mask, "I guess we are."

"Well, I better be going," he said standing up, "It was my cat's supper before I left."

"You have a cat? That's fitting."

"Isn't it purrfect?"

She shook her head laughing, "Smug face."

He giggles at her remark, "I'll be back soon. Don't catch a cold now, Princess." he said smiling then jumping off to the other building.

They had quite a long talk that she didn't notice the time. The sun had completely set and there were still no signs of Tikki.

"I do hope she arrived at his house safely. That stupid cat, he should've stayed home." she turned from worry to irritated. Her emotions were in disarray. This was not a good day for her.

"I can't just stand here and do nothing!" she ran down to her room then to her desk. She pulls out the bottom drawer revealing the Miracle Box.

"I never wanted to do this, but I must if I wish to seek Tikki."

She picks it up pushing it against her chest as she runs to her bed laying it flat on the sheets. The Miracle Box automatically opened the moment she touched the top. It sensed her as the new master. Like the previous design, each miraculous was in its designated corridors opening out the moment the box is unlocked. Marinette immediately picked on the turtle miraculous slipping it on her wrist. The turtle kwami came flying out as a response to her summon.

"Marinette!" Wayzz said surprised of her unexpected summoning, "What happened? You look alarmed."

"Wayzz, I need your help, I think something has happened to Tikki when I sent her to Chat's house." her voice quivered.

"What? Why was she all alone? Walk me through."

Marinette then began to explain the whole plan and to how it came to be. She explained the whole situation and how detrimental it was for her to get Plagg to cooperate. But then Tikki has not come back and she hates her gut feeling that something might have happened to the little lady.

"Wayzz, other than Tikki, I know you're the only one who knows where Plagg is. Chat's probably home by now. I need you to visit Chat's home one more time, please. I just need to be sure that Tikki is there." she begged.

Wayzz nodded and immediately flew out the window. He flew as fast as he could careful but quick. He arrived at the Agreste's mansion in no time. He looked around the area for signs of Tikki before deciding to go to Adrien's bedroom. There Wayzz saw Plagg by the window so he called him out.

"Pssst!" Wayzz hissed like hailing a cab.

"Wayzz?" Plagg noticed Wayzz and glanced at Adrien. The kid was busy at his computer so he immediately flew out to his fellow kwami.

"Hey Wayzz, what have you been―"

"Have you seen Tikki?" Wayzz inquires cutting him short.

"Sugarcube? No. Unfortunately, no."

Wayzz's face turned grim, "Oh no, something must have really happened to her...Tikki isn't the type to wander around without her master." he said glancing around.

"Why? Where is Tikki? What happened?"

"You see, Marinette sent Tikki to fetch you earlier. She specifically instructed her to come here and get you. But it seems Chat Noir had an uninvited visit, and she couldn't go and find Tikki. Alarmed by the current situation, Marinette decided to summon me hoping to fetch you both. But it seems it is only you who is here. Her earrings are still intact with her which means no one has snatched the miraculous." Wayzz said with sad eyes.

Plagg felt the urgency of the situation. He glances back to Adrien busy doing his homework completely unaware of Plagg's whereabouts. Plagg looks back at Wayzz and nods having made a decision.

"Take me back to Marinette." Plagg said firmly.

"But what about Adrien?"

"Adrien will understand. For now, we have to find Tikki, FAST!"

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