
Invitation , Will Show My Power - Chapter 49

Arnael, after these words, after the necessary procedures, began to talk.

"Send a wizard and let him know we're coming to his house. In this way, we can get a better understanding of what kind of person is this wizard"

, Strategist Aley, after making a confirmation sign with her head, went out and started doing the necessities.

-There was only one person in the forest, and this person was on a horse. This person was a woman and her eyes were blue.

Her black hair and a slightly narrow wizard outfit on top made her look quite attractive compared to normal human women.

The woman's name was mentioned as Lisa, and she was working as a wizard who worked privately for the Thuna Family.

Strategist Aley commissioned her to inform the mysterious wizard named Brion that they were coming, and Lisa was now moving to the area where the mysterious wizard was living in.

, Lisa was starting to think as she kept moving."I hope it doesn't make a wrong move and the friendly relationship between Thuna and this mage end within the seconds the Thuna family is not ready for war right now.", Lisa's thoughts were not wrong. They were already in a mess, and now they don't want to have to fight a different wizard and this man is a summoner this is a bad thing for them. Lisa was not generally affiliated with the Thuna Family. But she respected them for working for them and trying to protect their interests., Within a few hours, Lisa managed to reach the Ataya River. The names given to these areas had their special names, but because they were not very important places, they were named after the region where they were located.Lisa was generally knowledgeable about these things."Ataya River, = River Myster " "The Cave of the Mysterious Wizard Brion Living İn = Myster Cave"

At least in her way, that's how it was. Lisa, after arriving in the Myster River, got off her horse, began to move towards Myster Cave. She could move forward with her horse, but she thought it could be seen as disrespectful to enter a mage area with on the horseback.

, Shortly afterward, she saw a simple but beautiful house made of a great wood.

There was also a young man sitting in a large chair in front of the house.

The young man had confident attire and had a smile on his face. that looked pretty attractive.

Lisa naturally began to look carefully around herself. At that time, Brion started talking.

"You don't have to worry if I wanted to kill you, I'd have already killed you."

, Lisa swallowed it lightly and without much time, she began to talk to complete her purpose.

"Lord Arnael wants to see you. If it's okay for you, we want you to visit us."

, Brion, after a little thought, started talking.

"Why doesn't your lord come to visit, and he wants me to come to him. I'm sure your lord is not the kind of person to do that."

, Lisa slightly bit her tongue and started thinking.

"Even though he seems young, he is not ignorant of such matters. I did a simple move but, but it didn't work."

, After that though, Lisa breathed a light breath and started talking.

"Okay, then my Lord's words were just a simple request. If you want your house to be visited, we can come to you."

, After Lisa said her words, she gently saluted with her head and turned around to leave. At that point, Brion started talking.

"My name, Brion by the way, and because of the show that I am not a bad person. I will be coming to Ataya Village. Let this be conveyed to your lord."

, Lisa didn't expect anything like this, but she turned her head around and re-entered the woods after making a confirmation sign with her head, and she began to move forward.

Lisa did not understand how this wizard knows that they are stationed in the Ataya Village, but she did not care that at that time.

Brion just wanted to show some of the power his around.

That way, no one would have bothered him for no reason, and he wouldn't have to kill people.

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