
Chapter 770 Combat Test

Miss Graham stopped her words here and by the mysterious smile that appeared on her face, everyone knew that something big was going to happen next.

"BANG!" The white board behind her separated in the middle and before long, a huge arena could be seen by everyone.

"But you will learn about all of them later on."

"Today, i want to see how well you do in actual combat." Miss Graham added after 3 breaths.

* * *

The class left the comforts of their seats and followed their beautiful teacher in front.

They were wide eyed as they saw the vast space inside this partition since it could easily serve tens of thousands of people at the same time.

This amazing extension was not at all obvious when they entered their humble classroom earlier.

'Space magic, huh?' Jason Birth was also in awe while witnessing this grand creation. The founders of this academy has truly given their best to the students within its fabled premises.

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