
32: Another Filler Chapter with some cool shit.

"Here we are."

"Thank you... Father."

"It's okay to call me something else if you can't call me father."

"Oh, thanks old man."

"Hahaha! You're welcome, boy."

This short interaction between Daredevil Matt Murdock and Byron Tartarus happened while they were on top of a mansion, there were guards all around it and the security of this place was very high for normal standards. This was the house of Wilson Fisk, more known as Kingpin! One of the Bigshots of Hell's Kitchen.

"Are you sure you want to do this alone?" Byron asked his new children, the recently transformed Matt Murdock. He got his vision back and when he was transformed into a Demon only his vision changed, being able to see in the dark clearly as day. "I'm sure, old man. I want to do this alone... I need to do this alone." Byron sighed and landed on top of the mansion's ceiling, he smiled and said: "Anyway, I will be right here if you need any help." Matt smiled and dived in, knocking down the guards as fast as he could, because when a guard didn't answer a call after ten minutes, the whole building would go in Red Alert, locking down every room.

Byron watched as Matt went inside the mansion and five minutes later came back with the head of Wilson Fisk in his hand, he bowed to Byron and said: "You have my thanks, my old man." Byron laughed and asked an off-topic question: "Hey... Are you a lawyer?" Matt was confused but nodded his head, Byron smiled and said: "I got my official lawyer, you know? I have a company that gets sued because of stupid people, I recently got cameras all around my company to register everything, so you will need to get some extra lessons..." Matt nodded his head and Byron got the head from Matt's hand and smiled, saying: "I will make a good trophy out of this."


A week later after everything happened, Byron met with his children and got the news that Evy destroyed the designed star, he laughed and gave each one of them a colony, they can use however they want to use. All the children received a planet but not Matt who didn't care at all, he became acquittance with his siblings really quickly, between all of them his senses were the strongest!

On Tartarus Archipelago, Matt discovered that a lot of things be thought was a myth or fantasy was real. Beast people, Demons, Angels, Mermaids... But when he learned that it was Byron who created everything, he was shocked. Byron showed around everything they had on Tartarus Archipelago but only one week wasn't enough, so right now they were looking around!

"Why is everyone bowing?"

Matt asked while looking at a demon who was bowing towards them, Byron laughed explaining: "Well, you see... It's a natural instinct to demons to bow to stronger demons than themselves. And because every single creature here has demonic blood in their bodies, they also have demon instincts." Byron looked at the Pegasus and Infernals bowing, Western and Eastern Dragons bowing, Mechanicals bowing... Matt nodded in understanding and sighed because it was too troublesome. "Oh, and they are bowing because of me, not you. You are weak."

Matt glared at Byron whole laughed and punched the air, web-like cracks on space itself appeared. Byron smiled when he saw Matt's astonishment after he cracks on space were made by Byron, he snapped his finger and everything returned to normal. Byron's most desired wish is to protect his children and to protect his children he needs to be strong! And strength comes from the inside and outside, Byron's new ability is called Domain! Everything around him in a radius of 1km is under his control, he is able to control every single thing in the molecular level!

But this doesn't only apply to matter, but also space, gravity, time, souls, mana, and even life and death! But sadly only to some stent...

Matt looked at the crack that appeared and disappeared like it was never there, to begin with, and was shocked speechless. Byron laughed and with a simple thought they were now upside down walking mid-air. "If you want to be strong, you need to at least learn how to use Cosmic Energy. Don't worry, I will teach you, I taught your siblings and now I will teach you! Let's start now because the earlier you start, the faster it will be for you to learn." Before Matt could answer, they already disappeared leaving only the vacuum behind.


New York City, Hell's Kitchen.

After the news of the death of one of the big shots, namely Kingpin, a lot of garbage tried to take his place... But one of the most powerful organizations took Kingpin's place: Tartarus.

Everyone didn't dare to even mention the name of this organization out loud!

Tartarus was just like what its name implies: The Hell! Their organization has various gangs with them, assassins, and even spies. They have Drug selling, Information selling, Assassination Selling, and even Restaurants. The World only knew very little about Tartarus, they knew their system was based on Commoners, Soldiers, Commandants, Nobles, Kings, and the Emperor being the highest rank and leader of Tartarus. They also know that Tartarus is neutral, if you don't mess with them they won't mess with you and will leave you alone... But if you mess with them, death is the only thing that will happen afterward.

SHIELD and Hydra also know very little about Tartarus, knowing some based they have. Some of its spies tried to enter this organization but it is a very closed organization. Outsiders can only be Slaves rank, a rank lower than Commoner rank. At first, they thought that they needed to have an agent have some kind of test to enter the faction, but after years they discovered that Tartarus is a Kingdom! And the insiders are from a different race from humans.

SHIELD and Hydra learned it in the hard way when they captured some Commoner Ranks and tried to do some experiments on their bodies... Well, it didn't end up well, they kinda met with a King Rank Demon, whose name is known as Harold... And Boom. They died and got almost half of the organization destroyed, but with SHIELD... Well, you all already know.

There are also other kingdoms who know about Tartarus, like Wakanda. Wakanda has an "old" tale about a demon, this tale is very interesting.

[A long, long time ago... A boy named Tzanla was crowned king, his father Tkala was a very powerful warrior who fought on wars and obviously Tzanla was also very powerful! The most powerful Black Panther existent.

But one day, the merciless Tzanla met with another man, this man came from the outside! He was a powerful warrior, but he was injured, Tzanla didn't want that a warrior more powerful than himself existed, so he captured the poor injured warrior and trapped him. Before the warrior was trapped, he said: "You all will regret this, there's a lot of powerful warriors from where I come." Tzanla laughed while shouting back: "So they can come and fight me!"

The prideful Tzanla laughed while leaving the prison, that same night a demon attacked Wakanda. That Demon furiously destroyed all the constructions of Wakanda, no warrior was able to defeat him! Tzanla attacked the Demon who retaliated by destroying his Black Panther armor. The demon roared in anger, shouting and asking each one of them where was his son! every single person that heard the injured warrior saying that they would regret instantly thought about him. Every single warrior fighting against the demon looked at Tzanla, begging with their eyes to him to take the demon to the prison and freed his son.

But Tzanla wasn't going to accept it, he attacked the demon in a suicide attack! But he wasn't killed at all. The demon laughed evilly while saying: "Foolish creature! I gave you an opportunity to give my son back, now you will face the consequences of your own acts!" The demon then destroyed half of Wakanda and killed half of its citizens. After destroying half of Wakanda, the demon stole half of the vibranium mines of Wakanda.

Since then, the name Tzanla means Prideful Idiot or The One that brings Disaster.]

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