
24: Mary me!

"Huh... what a headache..."

Jean woke up with a terrible headache, she then suddenly remembered what happened, she remembered losing control over her emotions and attacking her friends and the mysterious guy that stopped her... She looked around and only saw white walls and white clean robes on her body, she was lying on a white clean bed too... "This isn't the X-Mansion... Where am I?" she asked herself in the hope to get an answer from the unknown, and she actually got an answer. Byron's voice came from behind her back, saying: "You are on Tartarus." Jean looked back rather quickly and attacked Byron with her mental power, she was scared.

Byron felt the invisible strength push him down to the ground, but he just shrugged and the invisible energy disappeared. "Who are you?" asked a tired Jean Grey, she scanned her surrounding area searching for someone when she woke up, and she didn't detect Byron at all! "Me? I'm Byron Tartarus, Emperor of Tartarus Archipelago." A brief introduction, Jean looked at him with confusion and said: "Tartarus? Where exactly am I?" Byron smiled and windows appeared behind her, she looked outside and gasped when she saw. She was in a white building with a giant red plus signal, this was the hospital of Tartarus Archipelago on Father's Island where only the most powerful demons live! Outside, the blue sky and white fluffy clouds was an amazing view to watch.

But suddenly she saw something out of this world: White flying baby whales, floating around the sky together with Eastern and Western dragons too... She blinked several times to see if she was dreaming and even pinched her own cheek, she felt pain and gasped again when she saw flying cars walking around the island, Pterodactyls flying around and even some big Quetzalcoatlus carrying boxes around. "Where am I?" murmured Jean in a whisper, Byron chuckled while saying: "I already told you where you at! Welcome, to Tartarus Archipelago!" Jean was speechless, everything that she thought was fantasy was real here... Dragons, Flying Whales, damn even Dinosaurs are alive! When she looked at the people in the ground had tails, wings, and horns... When she looked back at Byron she saw his tail, horns, and wings stretching around the room.

"What? I know I'm handsome but I'm older than you more than 50 years sweety." Byron laughed while chopping an apple with his tail blade. Jean sighed internally, thinking that it might be hard to speak properly with this guy.


"So, you are saying that you are the king of demons..."

"Emperor. My children are Kings and Queens."

"Okay, okay... So you are the Demon Emperor?"

Byron nodded his head while eating another fruit that was on the basket beside the bed where Jean was sitting right now. "Yeah, something like that, I'm more to a Demon God but I don't have the full power of a demon... Yet." Jean put two fingers between her eyebrows and sighed, she looked over at Byron and asked: "So, why did you stopped me? I don't think I'm part of your race or something like that." Byron coughed twice and started to explain himself to her a little bit: "I don't want anything with you. What I want is the barbecue chicken inside you!" Jean's confused expression amazed Byron, who giggled. "I want to talk with the Phoenix." his tone became serious suddenly, making Jean tense.

"Phoenix?" she asked anxiously while Byron approached her face little by little... "Hum... It's sleeping." Said Byron while he returned to where he initially was and smiled saying: "Well, you are too dangerous to go around without knowing how to properly control your Cosmic Energy, so I guess I can help you with that. But first, you need new clothes."


Markus, Harold, Kevin, Alexandra, and Evy were now returning to their "house", a mansion that Byron brought and gave them, he said they can do anything they want with that mansion, so they decided to throw a party! They wanted to experience a party that humans normally have if they are as fun as Tartarus parties where you can dance around in the air, where you can eat or be eaten by living plants... So much fun. "Welcome, masters, his supreme is waiting for you all." They looked at each other confused but nodded and followed the butler until they crossed a door and appeared in a white building. "Come in." Byron's voice came from the other side of the door, the butler opened the door and the Tartarus Siblings saw Byron together with a red-haired girl that seemed to be 17 or 18 years old.

"Children, I want you all to meet someone!" when Byron said it, looking at his children, Jean was completely stunned... When he said he had children she thought they were kids, 10 to 15 years old at least... But now, she started to doubt Byron's real age. "This is Jean Grey, the Phoenix. Jean, this are my children! Markus, Harold, Kevin, Alexandra, and Evy, there's also Archenar but she is sleeping now." when Byron ended his sentence, Kevin approached her just like Byron did before when Jean blinked he literally was in front of her face, observing her. She screamed with fear, an invisible force pushed Kevin to a wall, he flew some meters and broke the wall behind him. Everyone looked at Jean and Byron just smiled and said: "Kevin, I know you are also curious about her, but please, don't be like me." Kevin nodded his head and said: "Yes father." The invisible force around him broke instantly, Jean looked at Byron who was just smiling, he raised an eyebrow and asked: "What? He freed himself. Everyone here in this room can kill you in seconds." She looked around, a little apprehensive, Alexandra approached her a hugged her, saying: "Marry me!" Everyone, even Byron, was stunned.

[Author Notes: I'm sorry for not posting chapters, I only write when I have the right feeling for it, I have my time of the day when I suddenly have ideas for writing, it sometimes is long enough to actually write more than one chapter, and sometimes I can only write one. Some will say it's just an excuse to not write chapters, but I'm actually serious, I don't plan the plot of this novel... It just comes to my mind and I write it down. It's a magical feeling.]

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