
19: Booredom (Filler)



[Name: Byron Tartarus]

[Race: Divine Demon (Emperor Level)]

[Special Traits: {Unbreakable}, {Breath}, {Void}, {Emperor Authority}, {Emperor Might}, {Emperor Subordinates}, {Hell's Owner}]

[Magic Runer: Grand Master: {Array Maker}, {Rune Singer}, {Enchanter}, {Cosmic}, {Creator}.]

[Rune Mastered: [Fire Rune], [Water Rune], [Wind Rune], [Earth Rune], [Blade Rune], [Sharp Rune], [Shield Rune], [Spin Rune], [Alarm Rune], [Barrier Rune], [Float Rune], [Smell Rune], [Sound Rune], [Reverse Rune], [Circle Rune], [Arrow Rune], [Deflect Rune], [Repel Rune], [Explosive Rune], [Small Rune], [Big Rune], [Condition Rune], [Vibration Rune], [Darkness Rune], [Light Rune], [Life Rune], [Death Rune], [Metal Rune], [Ice Rune], [Lava Rune], [Contract Rune], [Seal Rune], [Thunder Rune], [Strengthen Rune], [Pillar Rune], [Wall Rune], [Slow Rune], [Fast Rune], [Pain Rune], [Bond Rune], [Fusion Rune], [Heat Rune], [Sphere Rune], [Sun Rune], [Moon Rune], [Illusion Rune], [Plant Rune], [Hard Rune], [Remote Rune], [Wave Rune], [Down Rune], [Up Rune], [Backward Rune], [Forward Rune], [Stop Rune], [Room Rune], [Space Rune], [Control Rune], [Curse Rune], [Blood Rune], [Dimension Rune], [Create Rune], [Stabilize Rune], [Expand Rune], [Divide Rune], [Multiply Rune], [Blessing Rune], [Beam Rune], [Remove Rune], [Radiation Rune].

[Special Runes: [Void Rune], [Gravity Rune], [Soul Rune], [Power Rune], [Time Rune], [Space Rune], [Mind Rune], [Reality Rune], [Eletrocmagnetic Rune].

[Runes Own:]

[Body Stats]

[Muscles Strength: 10,000]

[Body Flexibility: Max]

[Body Stamina: ∞]

[Body Health: ∞]

[Soul Stats]

[Soul Strength: 10,250]

[Soul Defense: 10,230]

[Soul Energy: 10,500]

[Soul Purity: 10,000]


Byron was staring at his System screen while wondering what he would do now... He became stronger than almost everyone on Earth... The arrays he has around the Father and Children Islands is strong enough to keep everything away. He is strong enough to kill the strongest person on earth! Byron finally started to for the first time in his new life, feel bored. He went to Fantasia Island to watch the Academy from far away... They were having a competition, it seems that Fantasia Magic Academy has four houses just like in Harry Potter. Each house has a Protector that is a teacher from the first generation that Evy taught at Fantasia Academy, named Booredom.

This name was given because Evy was bored and didn't want to give a name to the Acadamy... So she asked Markus for a name, and he said: "If you are so bored, why don't you name it the Academy of Booredom?" And she did. The four houses of Booredom are Dragontooth (Named by Harold), Thorny Rose (Named by Alexandra), Oompa-Loompa (Named by Byron), and the house of Durark (Named by Evy herself). Byron sincerely was curious about what each house prioritized... He walked around the Academy, there was Commoner Ranks, Soldier Ranks, and Noble Ranks participating in the magic competition, there were different demons with different magic weapons. It seems that everything Byron taught Evy is being teach-in her academy. How to create Arrays, how to enchant items, how to use mana, and utilize magic...

Byron was very proud of Evy. He watched the competition, Dragontooth's are proud like dragons, Thorny Roses are the house where everyone has a beautiful and dangerous side, everyone from Oompa-Loompa loves to dance and sing, and everyone from Durark has a secret that they don't want to share. That's the stereotype that Byron could see watching the competition, later he went on the stage when Evy was going to give everyone their prizes and thank them for participating when she saw him she bowed. Everyone was confused about why the Principal was bowing, but when they felt the immense pressure coming from the sky and looked up, they also bowed. "Father, it's nice to see you again." She wanted to jump and give him a hug, but she was the Principal of the Booredom academy, she needed to maintain the appearances!

Byron smiled and said in a deep voice: "Evyandra (Evy complete name), I just came here to congratulate you. This place is... Interesting." When he said it, everyone could look back at him again, he didn't hesitate and opened a portal using [Space Rune] and teleported back to Father Island. Evy could sigh in relief, she watched as everyone had cold sweat on their faces and smiled. She told everyone using her Mana and Life Energy to spread her voice in all the Island, Byron never visited an Island personally before, he would ask one of the servants to do it because he was researching or working on something else. "Everyone here knows about the other four islands, right? All five islands create the Tartarus Archipelago as what it is now, the one who made every Island existent, who made this place liveable and stable, the one who made everything here safe was my father." She smiled while memories invaded her mind.

"He taught me everything I know about magic, he is the best magician that I know. He created all the subjects you learn in school, Healing Magic, Blood Magic, Necromancy... He is the only one who can use the Cosmic energy that i demonstrated before like part of his own body! And because it is." Evy saw all students and teachers looking at her with curiosity, wanting answers, she ended her speech saying: "He is also our supreme leader if you didn't know before, I am just the Forth Star and Fantasia Queen's. He, however, rules the Father Island, Cosmus." Cosmus was the name given to the Father island because of the Cosmic energy, everyone knows about the energy that is on the air and that it can kill someone that is not strong enough like water puts down fire... Byron teleported to Markus' island because he wants to go with him and do something that will later change the world! He will accelerate the process of creation of the Internet.

Byron will also plant the seeds of his hard work on the world after the Internet is completely established, Byron will start to create sites like Youtube, the Tarts Company are deeply penetrated on the technology industry but Byron wants to monopoly the musical company too! He will contract all the talent he knows that will be famous in the future if they exist in this universe... Like Michael Jackson, Madonna, Lady Gaga, Freddy Mercury, and others! Talking about Queen, he sent a contract to them, he loves music and Queen is one of the classics!

Also, Byron entered not only the music industry but also the television industry too but not on the United States, but on Japan. Yes, Animes! Byron built an animation company in Japan and made some people agree to a contract... And like this, the world knew that Tarts [Doesnt remember the old name for the company that I used before, or if I named the company before, if I did, I'm changing it to Tarts now.] Company is expanding its roots, making more money! Some tried the impossible, stop it, but it was too late for them to even do something because of the success that several singers were doing, the success the animes were doing on Japan, and even if they did something, Byron could easily suppress it himself with his connections.

Byron enjoyed the money he got, taxes? He paid them enough to not make people suspicious of him if someone tried to incriminate him of tax evasion, he had all the papers from every tax payment he ever did in his entire life. And if needed... He can blackmail SHIELD to help him, or even destroy half of Hydra to make them help him. Or use the connections that spread widely, from American to Asia to Oceania and beyond to help him. Or simply kill everyone, this is also an option.

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