
Rutley's Actions

Both men went silent, too afraid to throw wild guesses around. "Have you spoken to Esai?" Calder asked. "No, not yet. I didn't want to face him alone." Rutley admitted. Calder sighed.

"I know what you mean." Calder muttered before groaning. "Okay, okay, let's go tell him." He continued. He took a single stepped forward and stopped. "You're sure you checked everywhere? Her room, the palace, the Guild?" Calder asked.

Rutley's eyes rounded as if he missed something. "Shae is still in the palace but Shaylah's gone... Ouroboros." After a few heartbeats nothing happened. "Ouroboros... Ouroboros!" Rutley continued but the shadow familiar never appeared. "Is he still with Britille?" Calder asked. 

"Yes, YES! I ordered that he stay with the Lady! We can find her, save her!" Rutley replied excitedly. "But are we sure she's in danger?" Calder asked as he furrowed his brows. Rutley paled. "Shaylah's with her but..." 

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