
Chapter 26

Disclaimer: I do not own The Vampire Diaries / The Originals, or any of the characters, plot-lines, dialogues from the shows or books

However, I do own Catherine Matthews/ my very own Katherine Peirce, her backstory, the storyline, and any additional characters that do not belong to The Vampire Diaries or The Originals. Characters in this story may not have the same opinion as you. These characters are all fictional.

"Are we there yet?"


"Are we there yet?"


"Are we..."

"Oh my god!" Katherine exclaimed. "If you say that one more time, I am gonna reach down your throat and tear out your tongue."

"Jeez, no need to get testy. I am just excited to meet a part of my family," Hayley Marshall said, rolling her eyes from the passenger seat.

"I told you it is nothing to be excited about," the vampire next to her said, rolling her eyes.

"Easy for you to say. I have been searching and wondering about my parents, my whole life," The werewolf responded with a somber expression.

"What part of 'your parents are dead' didn't you understand?" The 500-year-old vampire asked bluntly. "All you will find is, there are a group of people with matching tattoos, and that you were some kind of werewolf royalty until the witches and vampires decided to place a curse on your pack."

"I still think something is better than nothing," said the crescent wolf adamantly, not letting the vampire spoil her mood. "I mean, isn't it why you are helping me? A favor from my supposed pack, in time of need."

"Well, yes. This is a long term investment of sorts, I guess," The vampire said truthfully. It's not like the wolf will accept any other answer. "I won't gain any profits unless you find a way to break the curse."

"Do you know why the wolves are cursed?" Hayley asked after a while.

"I know who cursed them, but not why," Katherine said, trying to sound sincere. The Petrova doppelganger can't say anything if she wants to remain inconspicuous. The vampire isn't supposed to know too much. If anyone learns about her knowledge, it can be seen as a challenge. And challenge incites conflict, something the doppelganger wants to stay far away from. She is not dumb enough to go looking for trouble. Catherine wants allies, not enemies.

"We are here," the vampire said, breaking the silence in the car. "New Orleans. Culture, art, voodoo shops, witches, and vampires."

"With werewolves hiding in the bayou, on the side," Hayley added, looking through the car window.

"Yeah, that too," the doppelganger said, "But remember, don't let anyone know you are a mangy dog. If anyone comes for your head, that's on you."

"Wow! Thanks for the prior notice, Katherine," the hazel green-eyed werewolf replied, sarcastically.

"Anytime," the vampire said, equally sarky.

"So, where to first?" The wolf asked, tucking a hand in her jean pocket, looking around the people walking on the sidewalk.

"First, we need to check into a hotel," the vampire in blue gingham dress said, driving her car. "And then, I need to find a witch that won't turn into a bitch and screw me over. I will then see what I can get."

"Aren't you like 400 years old. Don't you know witches that can help you, instead of coming all the way here, placing your trust on a stranger?" the werewolf in the combat boots asked, confused.

"It's 500 years, actually. Anyway, the spell I need is different, and I know for a fact that the french quarter witches have it. I think the situation demanded them to find it," The vampire said in a thoughtful tone.

"What's this spell, anyways," Hayley asked intrigued, her legs were up on the leather seat, pulled to her chest, with her chin, resting between her knees.

Katherine just rolled her eyes at the werewolf's sitting position as she got vexed after reprimanding her the first three times, and said, "A spell to remove compulsion."

This time the werewolf looked confused. Why would a vampire need a spell to remove compulsion? Seeing the confusion clear in her eyes, Katherine elaborated, stating, "Ever heard of the Original Vampires?"

"Yeah. They are a myth."

"Oh, Honey, they are, very, real. The first vampires in history. Every vampire in the world is a part of their sire line," explained the brunette.

"Vampires? How many are we talking about?" The werewolf questioned, slouching in her seat.

"Five. One sister, four brothers. Anyway, an original vampire can compel other vampires, and recently I had a misfortune meeting two of them. And I know for a fact that Klaus compelled me to forget something. Something vital, something he didn't want me to know. And I want to know what that is," explained the vampire calmly. "He wouldn't have done that unless it's something he is afraid of, and I want to know what the Original hybrid is afraid of."

"What do you mean, Original Hybrid?" The werewolf asked, more confused by the minute.

"Oh! Did I forgot to tell you, one of the Original brothers Klaus is both a vampire and werewolf?" Katherine asked with a frown.

"Yes," Hayley shrieked as she uncrossed her legs and kept them back down.

"Hmm, weird," the Petrova doppelganger said, nonchalantly. "He recently broke the curse that bound his werewolf side. So now he can be a full-blown wolf whenever he wants to be. I figure he is on his way to find wolf packs to turn them now. Be glad you are with me. Klaus won't step a foot in New Orleans unless the situation demands it. He has a bit of bad blood with this place."

"Oh, my god. I have to inform my pack," the girl dressed in the floral print shirt said, taking out her phone.

"They will know eventually. Once a pack is attacked," Katherine said cooly. But, nevertheless, she informed Mason to look out for the hybrid just in case. One doesn't know when they would require help from someone. It's always good to maintain good relations. However, she still didn't know why Hayley wants to, the show made her look like a bitch, honestly. "And what are they going to do if you tell them, anyway. If they are supposed to die in the hands of the hybrid, they are going to, and no one can change that. If you ask me, the Appalachian mountains are a better place for hiding."

" Well, I can't just, not inform them," the werewolf said and waited for the person on the other end to answer their phone.

"Hey, Hollis..." Katherine tuned out the conversation as she drove them to a nice looking hotel that's in the center of the city.

After meeting with Lucien Castle, Katherine decided to book tickets to New Orleans. However, Katherine particularly had a hard time convincing her old witch when she announced the plan the next day. Melantha only accepted when she said she would call every other day, and visit every two months.

As soon as her flight landed in New York, Katherine gave a call to the Labonair Werewolf, Hayley Marshall, and offered to take the orphaned wolf to New Orleans by herself in her own 911 Porsche. Two birds with one stone, she thought. Catherine already thought of all the things that could go wrong for bringing a werewolf along with her into a city where the vampires rule. But the doppelganger decided to take the risk.

Even though the wolf is not helpful for the vampire anytime now, she can be once the curse is broken. Katherine has a lot of time and patience despite it being a long term plan. The body hijacker was 83% sure Lucien Castle would come after her head, after the slight slip in his revenge plan against the Original Hybrid, but he didn't. Maybe, he would've but since she left Greece just a day later, he could've missed his chance. Nonetheless, she asked Melantha to be extra careful and commanded the witch to use her forsaken magic if the situation demands it. Katherine had a long lecture about the matter, and explained in detail how pissed off the vampire would be if the old witch dies due to her stubbornness.

"This looks, okay-ish," Katherine murmured, looking at the 5-star hotel ahead of her. She glanced at the werewolf next to her to see, Hayley was still talking on the phone.

The vampire got keys to two rooms by the time wolf finished with her call. Catherine gave Hayley her key card and took the opposite room's key card for herself. They both decided to go into the city as soon as it gets dark outside.

"So, are we going to distribute a few questionaries, and then select a witch that answers them correctly...and suits our needs?" Hayley enquired as soon as both were back in the car.

"Yes, that's exactly what we are going to do," Katherine said with a straight face, and when Hayley thought it was for real, the doppelganger snapped, "No, Hayley. We are not doing that. No one does that. You really don't know much about supernaturals, do you?"

"Well, I grew up with a human family. And I didn't know about my curse, so when I shifted in the living room on the next full moon night, they kicked me out. Luckily, I found the pack in Appalachian's and made a living, doing odd jobs. And I haven't met any other supernatural species until you. I have only heard about them," said Hayley.

Katherine knew this, but hearing it first hand, she felt for the wolf. Being orphaned at a young age herself, she understood the feeling to an extent. Nevertheless, she doesn't know how it feels to learn they are not humans, and that they have to break every bone in the body every full moon without anyone by their side. Maybe that's why the werewolf didn't care and helped Shane in killing 12 hybrids when he promised to help her find her family. To never feel alone again...a notion Catherine can relate with.

The vampire cleared her throat a little, shaking herself from her thought process, and said, "There's a witch, Lenore. She lives across the river in Algiers. Someone said, she is less judgmental, and is likely to do the job for a favor in return."

After a little bit of searching, Hayley was the one who found the shop, Lenore's Convenience Store. When they entered the shop, the dark-skinned witch was grinding a few herbs. And as soon as she sensed the vampire and werewolf, Lenore just glanced at them and said, "Go away, I am busy."

"Me too," Katherine said, ignoring the witches' demand, "And as soon as you help me with favor, I will be on my way."

"Well, Quarters crawling with witches, go ask one of them," the black-haired witch with a grey streak said undeterred.

"Yes, I know. And I also think a quaint shop like this doesn't make a lot of income when there are a lot more of them in the town," Katherine said, walking around the shop with Hayley in tow. "How would you like a small fortune in return for your favor."

"I am listening," the witch said, pausing her work.

"All I require is a spell to undo the compulsion of an Original Hybrid," Katherine said, looking at the witch straight in the eye, seeing for her reaction, "And in return, I will transfer you a 10,000 dollars. That should do, right?" The doppelganger glanced between the wolf and witch, asking if the amount was enough.

"Make that 15, and you got yourself a deal," the witch agreed, and Katherine grinned, pleased with herself.

Oh! how good it will be if all the witches were like this. Less opinion, more business.

When the witch, Lenore, closed her store and took both the wolf and vampire to the back room to do the required spell...Katherine just expected pain, and the memories she was compelled to forget to be resurfaced. But what the vampire didn't expect is, being knocked out cold for half an hour, only to wake up with not only the memories of Mikael but also with the 500 years of memories of Original Katerina Petrova.

Hayley was by her side as soon as she woke up, "Are you alright?"

"Absolutely splendid," the body hijacker said with a groan. "What the hell happened?"

"Looks like a lot of your memories were compelled to be forgotten. The spell took a toll on you," said the dark-skinned witch, passing a flask to the vampire, "Drink it. It should ease the pain a bit."

Katherine took it without a question and downed the liquid in one go, slightly grimacing at the taste of it.

"Never said, it tastes good," said the witch, snorting.

"I would've preferred to drown in vervain," Katherine commented, getting up on her feet, and took the phone from her pocket, opening her bank app, "But the spell sure did work. So, if you just tell me your account details, I will transfer the money."

And Katherine transferred the money as soon as Lenore said the details.

"You gave me twenty thousand," The witch said as soon as she checked her account.

"What can I say, I am thrilled with your work," Katherine said offhandedly. The body hijacker knows nine languages, now that Original Katherine's memories are restored.

Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, which she's already been practicing but now is fluent, French and Italian, two languages Catherine Matthews learned in school in her own universe, Spanish, Portuguese, Latin, and Czech. Catherine doesn't know how it was possible. Not that magic has any logic behind it, but she knows deep inside, she can speak the language, as if the linguistics are embedded in her subconscious mind.

Melantha would be thrilled to talk in fluent Greek, that much is accurate.

"But, I would like some information and would ask for a little discretion for those extra five thousand dollars," Katherine said, glancing at the witch in front of her. When the witch raised her eyebrow, asking her to continue, Katherine asked, "Any idea where the crescent pack is hiding?"

The witch looked between the wolf and vampire, responding, "If anyone asks, this didn't come from me," the witch then took out the map of New Orleans, and rounded a place near the bayou. "It should be somewhere here, but if I have the blood of someone related...I can pinpoint the exact location."

At that, they both glanced at the wolf, standing in the room awkwardly. Hayley released a sigh and held out her hand for the witch.

Things were definitely looking good.

Ooh! Things are definitely looking good. You know half the times I write something different from what I thought in the first place. But I really like how good they turn out in the end. And really like how this turned out. Hopefully, the next ones do too. Tell me, how you are liking it so far, will you?

Also, I forgot to thank each and everyone who messaged me telling how you like this story and since most of them are guests I can't thank them personally. And every time I wanted to put in authors note, I tend to forget so. So this is for everyone- THANK YOU. I REALLY ENJOY YOUR COMPLIMENTS.

Hugs and Kisses.