
Should you be here?

Sam and Megan were rushing around the Cursed ship, trying their best to gather information. It was important they found out whether or not this was something that could be spread to others. They had multiple search teams asking others if they experienced any similar symptoms. There were a few that came forward and were placed in a different room from the others.

After a quick rundown, it seemed like the symptoms were similar but not the same, but were still kept under observation. Just in case it would take a few days for anything to happen. It was also important that they didn;t start to cause panic on the ship as well. So everything needed to be done in secret.

"So far it looks like the only ones that are affected, are the ones from the fight," Sam said.

"Well, at least that's some good news, right?" Megan replied, biting her nail nervously. She hadn't been able to calm down ever since Dennis was admitted into the medical bay.

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