
Every Raid Boss has a Second Form  

"Alright… which one of you was whining about this battle not being difficult enough?" Iceheart asked in an annoyed tone. 

They were all looking up and gazing at the monster that had replaced the Death Knight's small stature. 

"Yeah… this thing is big, like Decapitator-level big," Thorminator gulped. 

"I am no thing, dragon-boy," Maleagant spoke in a voice that was much louder than his old one. "I am your better in every way possible." 

Black Howler couldn't help but inwardly agree with this statement. After all, there was a thirty foot armored giant staring them all down. 

His frame was much thicker now, almost as wide as he was tall. His armor glistened much like a scarab beetle. The helmet that now covered his head was shaped like a dragon's open maw with long curved horns that extended backward. On his back were a pair of bat wings that were much too small for his wide bulk and a spiked tail that ended in a rather spiky looking mace head. 

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