
Who Said! I

The weavings of the Pioneers were sharp as they moved in synchrony to ensure that no more of them died.

After all, they were distinguished Pioneers of Existence.

They held their own dignity and pride, and the sheer fact that their complexity was getting thrashed around like this… caused them to feel a sense of violation!

They had to put a stop to it, get their hands on the body of this entity, and determine whether he held the weavings of the Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian or not.

|You can make all of this easy by simply answering the question- do you deny having any connection to the weavings of Megalonians? It is such a simple question that stops all of this the moment you answer. So what will it be?!|

Above, a Golden Titan bellowed out as once more, the Instrument of the Beyonder said nothing. 

At this moment.

|Bahaha, what right do you have to make the Instrument of the Beyonder answer? We will protect him from here on out!|


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