Her own father was renounced as in her eyes, he lost the distinction of a Man.
This entity before her…he was a true Man!
But even with this…
She was about to shake her head when an instant later, Ozymandias didn't even give her a chance to as he took her hand and flashed to appear above the multicolored sea.
"The place you will have a vacation in for now while I take care of everything is where my other half is. I've turned it into a beautiful place as there, nobody will come to chase after you."
She blinked as her eyes opened wider in shock, finally looking around her to see the remaining reserves of Fossil fuels, coals, and oil among others. Alongside massive fighter jets, satellites, spaceships that would make billionaires of a past blue planet jealous, and more!
She saw all of this and recalled what she knew about that frequency as she uttered out.
"Just..what exactly are you doing?"
What was he doing?
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: