Palace Master Antiope stared at the scene of the Infiniverse Dowager and the Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian with extremely stern eyes.
They had, at times, been seen together.
They had worked together multiple times as they were believed to be extremely complex entities whose goals aligned, and so they worked together!
But...they actually had such a history? Even before they Severed their Existence and Pioneered their own paths, they were always together?
This information caused different parts of her mind to light up as the Infiniverse Dowager was terrifying enough.
The Origin Sacred Primal Megalonian...this Tyrant one one that many beings feared!
|The one responsible for your daughter is truly no ordinary being. If Palace Master Evrin holds trust in me, we will continue doing this my way, where we observe and follow for the next few days. After that...we will make a move that will ensure to give you closure.|
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: