The moment Little Henry and a few others arrived in the Existential Domain that had a few dozen Existential Automatons bought and stationed before they were deployed, Little Henry raised his hand to release a glistening singularity.
A Seed.
One that radiated a devouring light of power and brilliance as the moment it was released, the surrounding weavings of the Existential Domain began to be sucked into it.
|Our job is a simple one.|
Henry's voice rang out amidst other renowned figures of the Infinite Existential Omniversal Seed, all of them spreading out and circling around the Seed devouring everything.
|We defend until everything is devoured!|
Fearsome cries echoed out in response to Henry's words as Quintessential Soldiers who had the Variables of their Existence altered were sent to the forefront of the war.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: