It was a scene that was ingrained in Noah's mind.
The single extending chains atop the Dikastes of Extremity he had seen before- each of them still extending upwards towards whoever bound and chained these Dikastes of Extremity.
The dazzling Fruits of Existence he had began to accumulate across a myriad of branches, their numbers extending outwards!
They could all be found within the waters of the Ninth Gradation of Extremity.
Waters that no Seeds were allowed to reach over the eons as this was where they began harvesting the Fruits of Existence!
But how were the waters signifying the Gradations of Extremity connected to the Vitalis and Vacuous Existential Domains, and the Aeonic Annals of Extremity?
Noah could affirm with certainty their connection as within these waters, he came across many beings who were chained and rising through them slowly…but they were all from the Vitalis and Vacuous Hyperversal Domains.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: