
Appalling Might! V

Like a primal archer from eons gone, Noah's hand never stopped pulling and releasing the tout bowstring of the Hyperversal Bow of Helios as he did so 10 timed within a second!

It was a level of spamming that Tier 3 Hyperversal Extremities would find hard to maintain for even half a minute with the requirements of 100 Extremity Soul Values for any common being.

A Low Grade Armament of Extremity was something that Tier 2 Hyperversal Extremities could utilize with some efficiency, but it was truly Tier 3 Hyperversal Extremities who could expertly handle such weapons and achieve devastating effects- with Noah getting a glimpse of this with the dazzling sword that Emperor Shao used to nearly bisect a Hyperversal Savior's Ark.

Other Extremities on the battlefield were expressing multiple other Low Grade Armaments of Extremity in their own way- with them being held by prominent Tier 3 Hyperversal Extremities and above for the most part!


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